Anonymous ID: bf9ac7 Oct. 11, 2018, 4:56 p.m. No.3444387   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4416 >>4899 >>5010

Gangs Luring Hundreds of Children into Sexual Exploitation, ‘County Lines’ Crime in Multicultural Bradford


Hundreds of children are being exploited by dozens of criminal gangs for sex, drug trafficking, and other criminal activity in multicultural Bradford.


A new report produced by the local council suggests 471 youngsters have been brought into or are connected with some 51 organised criminal organisations operating in the northern English city, according to the BBC.


347 children were identified as at risk of sexual exploitation, with 203 of the victims identified as White British, and over 60 percent of the suspected groomers identified as being of Pakistani origin — in line with a pattern which has now been observed in town and cities across the country.


Local councillor David Ward, a Liberal Democrat/Independent, took the unusual step of calling out the ethnic element of the apparent offending directly, acknowledging that the report’s charts “show a disproportionate number of perpetrators that are Asian, and it is something we need to address”.


He pointed out that there was “nothing in this report that really refers to this statistic… a shocking statistic – 63 percent of perpetrators [are Pakistani]. This has an enormous impact on community cohesion, but we have to ask these questions, if we don’t others will.”


Specifically, Councillor Ward warned that “If we don’t ask these questions, Tommy Robinson will next time he is down in Bradford” — suggesting that the growing popularity of Robinson and populist movements which raise similar issues more generally may be forcing establishment parties to address topics they have previously been accused of deliberately ignoring.

Anonymous ID: bf9ac7 Oct. 11, 2018, 5:01 p.m. No.3444435   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Cambridge Students Reject Veterans’ ‘Imperialist Propaganda’ Remembrance Day On Great War Centenary


Cambridge University students have rejected a proposal to honour British veterans on the 100th anniversary of the end of World War One, with activists claiming it was “imperialist propaganda” that “valourised” war.


The original motion put to the student union by the Cambridge University Conservative Association (CUCA) called for the university to be “more proactive in promoting the cause of Remembrance” and to “ensure that Remembrance Day becomes a well-established and well-marked event across the university”.


Proposed by CUCA’s Tohin Munshi and seconded by William Phelps, an extended amendment was written by student activist Stella Swain, removing the relevance of war veterans and making the proposed campaign more global by commemorating “all those whose lives have been affected by war”.


Shocked by the raft of amendments erasing military personnel from the motion, CUCA posted the original and version proposed by Miss Swain, noting that “British war veterans”, “Remembrance Day”, and “Poppies” — the red paper badges sold annually by the forces charity Royal British Legion every November — had been “crossed out”.


“This is a Students’ Union that literally wants to erase our memory and gratitude to war heroes who sacrificed so much for so many,” the young conservatives wrote.



Anonymous ID: bf9ac7 Oct. 11, 2018, 5:04 p.m. No.3444488   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4538 >>4561 >>4708 >>4899 >>5010

REVEALED: WaPo Journalist Khashoggi Wore Apple Watch That Recorded his Own Murder in Saudi Embassy (VIDEO)


Saudi dissident and Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi knew he was taking a huge risk in entering the Saudi consulate in Istanbul last week to try to obtain a document certifying he had divorced his ex-wife.


The Saudi critic and WaPo contributor Khashoggi was murdered inside the embassy.


He entered the Saudi embassy but never emerged.

Anonymous ID: bf9ac7 Oct. 11, 2018, 5:15 p.m. No.3444632   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Criminal Ring Sold Newborn Baby on Instagram, Whatsapp – Reports


At least four people were arrested in Indonesia in connection to an alleged high-tech infant trafficking ring.


Four people in Surabaya, Indonesia, have been arrested over an alleged baby-selling ring operated via social media platforms — namely Instagram and Whatsapp, according to a report by BBC citing local media.


According to local police, the alleged criminals ran the scheme using an Instagram account which purported to belong to a family welfare agency.


The account posted images of pregnant women, ultrasound scans and newborn babies, along with a phone number for "customers" to make a contact via WhatsApp.


"People who want to adopt children use that account and the transaction is completed through WhatsApp," Col Sudamiran, Surabaya's chief detective, was quoted by by local media as saying.


The police said they managed to intercept one transaction, but admitted that at least one baby has been sold through the service, and that they are currently searching for the child.


Images of the babies were posted on Instagram along with details of their ages, locations and religions, but their faces were all blurred out, the police said.


In one post — a screenshot of a chat — a woman reportedly says she is pregnant and does not want her family to find out, so she is offering her baby for adoption. Another post shows a picture of a pregnant woman and provides a phone number for those interested in "adoption." None of the posts explicitly mentioned the selling or buying of children.


During the police operation, four people were arrested — a 22-year-old mother who wanted to sell her 11-month old child, a buyer, a broker and an alleged owner of the Instagram page, officials claimed. Police said the buyer had arranged to pay 15 million rupiah ($985) to the mother, 5 million rupiah to the broker and 2.5 million rupiah to the page owner.


If convicted, all four might be sentenced to 15 years in prison for violation of child protection laws.


Rita Pranawati, vice chairman of the Indonesian Child Protection Commission, said that while there have been other cases of child trafficking in Indonesia, the use of Instagram as a conduit is novel.


"It's very rare to happen through Instagram. It's a new modus," she said.

Anonymous ID: bf9ac7 Oct. 11, 2018, 5:19 p.m. No.3444694   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Report on Chinese Spy Chips Untrue, Demonstrates Shaky Journalism


A recent Bloomberg report citing Chinese efforts to secretly install microchips in US computer servers as a means to infiltrate the US' technology supply chain contains flaws that raise questions about the publication's journalistic ethics, web developer and technologist Chris Garaffa told Sputnik.


Last week, Bloomberg published a lengthy report alleging a Chinese hacking attempt which it calls "the most significant known supply chain attack ever against American companies." The report goes on to detail how hackers reportedly implanted spy chips into motherboards of servers used by some 30 tech companies, including Amazon and Apple. The chips were allegedly inserted into motherboards sold by Super Micro, a server component manufacturer based in California, before those motherboards were used in servers sold to customers by various companies.


Citing various anonymous sources, the report also notes that Chinese spies had even inserted microchips into equipment used by several US government agencies. (Think the Central Intelligence Agency and the US Department of Defense.)


According to Bloomberg, these mysterious chips could be used to give China access to the US government's internal servers and to collect trade secrets and other data from the targeted American companies.


Garaffa told Radio Sputnik's Loud & Clear on Thursday that Bloomberg's investigative piece raised more questions than it answered when it was published on October 4.


"I don't believe it's true," he told hosts Brian Becker and John Kiriakou. "There have been… so many questions raised about it, and many people, including some people who talked to Bloomberg about the story, have come out and said that there are issues with the way it was covered."


One hole in the story was made evident when one of the security experts quoted in the story, Joe FitzPatrick, appeared on an episode of the Risky Biz podcast and revealed that he'd been misquoted, Garaffa told Becker, noting that Bloomberg used theoretical background FitzPatrick provided about computer hardware attacks and just ran with it.


"If a foreign government… if the US government wanted to attack a supply chain like this, there are much easier ways and much less intrusive ways to do it rather than inserting this chip on however many thousands of servers," Garaffa stressed.


Super Micro, Apple, Amazon and even the US Department of Homeland Security's Cyber Security Center have rejected Bloomberg's claims. For Super Micro, the report caused the company's stock value drop by 41 percent, CNBC reported after the story went live in the early morning hours of October 4.


Though Garaffa believes that Bloomberg's reporting harbors the essence of "sloppy journalism," he did indicate that it also offers a special twist on how the outlet joins its reporting on world affairs with the technology industry. "This is how Bloomberg covers tech stories with an international spin," he said.

Anonymous ID: bf9ac7 Oct. 11, 2018, 5:44 p.m. No.3445019   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5087

Amazon Must Be Broken Up: NYU Professor Amplifies Trump’s Antitrust Comments


The retail behemoth Amazon must be targeted for antitrust violations and broken up into smaller companies, argues Scott Galloway, a marketing professor at New York University.


“Amazon has become an invasive species that is unhealthy for our economy,” he said at the Recode conference on Sept. 17.


In fact, Galloway would like to see Apple, Facebook, and Google broken up too, and he’s not alone in harboring that view. A camp of left-leaning critics who support the idea of breaking up big tech has been echoed, to a degree, by President Donald Trump.


“As you know, many people think it is a very antitrust situation, the three of them,” Trump told Bloomberg in an Aug. 30 interview, referring to Google, Amazon, and Facebook.


He was reticent, though, on what action should be taken.


“I won’t comment on the breaking up, of whether it’s that or Amazon or Facebook,” he said.


Galloway, on the other hand, laid out his case specifically against Amazon in detail.


While many worry about the lack of competition in the telecom market, of which Verizon controls close to two fifths, Amazon has already captured half of all online commerce in America—a sector worth a quarter trillion dollars each year, Galloway said.


Last year alone, Amazon market capitalization increased by about 75 percent, adding nearly $400 billion to the company’s value. That means Amazon has added more than the total value of Walmart, Target, Best Buy, Kohl’s, Macy’s, and Nordstrom combined.


Amazon has already passed the monopoly threshold triggered in the past by conglomerates like Standard Oil or AT&T, according to Galloway.

Willful Monopoly?


Even if wielding monopoly power, in order to violate the antitrust Sherman Act of 1890, a company must engage in “the willful acquisition or maintenance” of a monopoly “as distinguished from growth or development as a consequence of a superior product, business acumen, or historic accident,” the Justice Department states.


Galloway suggests, however, that Amazon indeed engages in business practices that damage competition.


Armed with massive wads of investor cash, the Amazon juggernaut has so much sway that it can make stocks tumble across whole industry sectors just by announcing an intent to enter them or buy minor players.


One example Galloway gave was the 2017 Amazon purchase of Whole Foods—a higher-priced supermarket chain. While Whole Foods has a mere 1.2 percent market share, the purchase wiped nearly a third of the stock price off Kroger, a grocery chain with six times the market share.


Amazon may also gain unfair advantage by collecting data from retailers who use its platform and using that data to displace the retailers, James Thomas, law professor at Cleveland State University who focuses on antitrust and business regulation, explained in a op-ed last year.


Amazon has also faced criticism, including from Trump, for avoiding local and state taxes.


The company started charging the taxes years ago on goods it sells directly, but many third-party merchants who make up half of Amazon’s order volume still don’t charge the taxes. Other online retailers may also play to the same tax advantage by inviting third-party merchants to their platforms, though a Supreme Court decision earlier this year expanded the state’s ability to require sales tax collection, which may wipe out the third-party advantage in the future.

‘It’s Time’


According to Galloway, Amazon has already reached the point of unfair advantage. “I think it’s impossible to compete with Amazon,” he said.


It needs to be broken up, he argues, not because it pays little in corporate tax or because it’s “evil,” and not even because it invests in automation that may cost some people their jobs.


“We break [big tech] up because the key to competitive markets is capitalism,” he said.


Galloway predicts the breakups would lead to more jobs, a broader tax base, more mergers and acquisitions, more venture capital-backed funding, fewer billionaires, but more millionaires.