They have to wait until both the IG report and Mueller investigations are ready to wrap. My guess is they'll push it till the week before the elections. Liberal head-sploding maximization.
RR automatically goes back to his original position after the Mueller report is issued. There's no "resignation" to be had. Anons need to get this little bit of misdirection.
There's a FISA IG report, too. That should drop the same time the Mueller investigation wraps.
There is no advantage, only calls for his head. RR is there because he is the only one the left believed would do them a solid. When the Mueller report says "there was no collusion between Trump and the Russians, but HRC and the Obama administration…" they're trapped.
I can't imagine the FISA report being after the election. There's no upside. There's like 6 more reports anyway, I couldn't name them all if I tried. HRC is January from what I've heard, and then there's the election one…
These people can never explain why Trump doesn't kill the whole Qanon movement with a simple tweet. They "love Trump," but must think he's an idiot to let something so dangerous grow to be so large.
Sure, but what are they gonna do? Drop down and say "you're right, we're defeated, and about all those crimes…?" All they have left is hope for a miracle.
There are several that are similar to EyeTheSpy. He apparently makes a lot of accounts, so maybe it's him again. Another is ffe3301 that originally claimed he had never read any Q material, but finally did and found some of it plausible or something. Famefags, maybe? Actual opposition? Who knows… they're all interesting if for no other reason than entertainment.
Worth noting that @GenFlynn follows this guy, as well as many other Q/Q-like twatters.