Who else is past the fatigue and frustration phases and it's more of a challenge to not be bored?
Lulls in the storyline are always such a pain.
Builds suspense, I guess, and it's fun to say the closing of the Trump Rallies with GEOTUS…
But like… I dunno.
Maybe I'm just jealous of Kavanaugh.
He's not the only one to get Kavanaughed, but at least he got to wrap his shit up in a month.
There's a little bit of lingering to do around that as the Dems try desperately to save their hides, but we know it won't work.
But what about the rest of us?
Generation after generation, we see those at the top wrap things up… praying for trickle down legislation.
Kavanaugh wasn't fighting for a past, but a future.
I'd like that future to be here, please.
Maybe I'm more antsy than bored.
I always get this way on the precipice of situational changes.
And the ones that matter always take the longest for us little guys.
Duder, that's not even recognizable as proper english.
Try again.
WTF were you attempting to say?