I like the theory Anon, thanks for the re-post…
…Something big is definitely occurring financially…
…Trump being abroad on November 11th personally scares me…Q referenced it…
especially given the recent Cabal Imagery about "The President is Missing"
…I am leaning toward the idea that the conflict with China is somewhat of a 'show'…as both the U.S. and China are both dealing with their respective Deep State's, I don't think everything that occurs between Trump and China is as it appears…
…the Massive Drop in TECH STOCKS could also be part of the plan…Q hinted at it weeks before: "what does Wall Street know?"…TECH STOCKS basically ARE the CABAL/DEEP STATE, so perhaps part of the End Game, financially, is simply to tank all of those Tech Stocks…
…SIDE NOTE: I had read recently that this Podesta WaPo piece was actually CABAL CODESPEAK… "BLUE" and "OCEAN" and "WATER" essentially translate to INFORMATION and TECH COMPANIES… i.e. urging the CABAL to step-back from the Battlefield for a bit and re-group financially through Tech Companies…