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Kanye West's not-so-secure iPhone passcode revealed
During their controversial meeting at the White House on Thursday, Oct. 11, Kanye West and Donald Trump were surrounded by reporters and cameras of all kinds. The aforementioned cameras were also, by the way, on all sides of the pair, resulting in a little "oops" on 'Ye's part that has since left the internet in stitches. Amid talk of how Apple should start making airplanes and why Kanye should run for president, Kanye was recorded unlocking his iPhone, according to Cosmopolitan. It was during that moment that we learned perhaps Kanye is not quite ready for the Oval Office. Ladies and gentlemen, it seems the 12-time Grammy winner's passcode is … drum roll … "000000." Er, not so secure. On the other hand, as one Twitter user offered: "Probably also the new nuclear missile launch code… Like minds… Nvm…"