"Sen. @JeffFlake calls Trump supporters' 'lock her up' chants 'disturbing,' and fears for future of Republican Party."
Hey Flake - we do not need advice from a marshmallow spine weakling like you.
"Sen. @JeffFlake calls Trump supporters' 'lock her up' chants 'disturbing,' and fears for future of Republican Party."
Hey Flake - we do not need advice from a marshmallow spine weakling like you.
How about Glen Simpson gets the same deal as Manafort/Cohen got from Mueller? 5am raids on his offices and homes should help with his memory.
1) Elizabeth Warren - believes she is Native American
2) Richard Blumenthal - believes he is a Vietnam hero
3) Cory Booker - believes he is Spartacus
4) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - believes she will sign new bills into law
Good old Chris Matthews trying hard to be relevant and have a voice on his failing network.
Happy hour yet Chris? Two for one specials at the VA bud. Seems like you stopped there before work.
Avennati loves himself so much. In fact, he is a legend, in his own mind.
"Michael Avenatti: Other Democrats Would Be Better Presidents, but They Canโt Win in 2020"
Any updates on the 187 on Seth Rich?
HRC has a cheek to say anything about her emails that were "hacked".
SR was taken out because he knew too much. A trail of bodies follows the Clintons.
Apparently it is not violence and wrong when liberals advocate assault.