Letter from the opposition
National Security Action Network Members –
There is less than one month left to make an impact on this important election. We’d like to take this opportunity to update you on some of our activities and ask you to join us for the final sprint towards election day.
This We'll Defend
We have been responding to a number of baseless attacks against candidates calling their service and their background into question because conservatives only have fear to drive support for their reckless indifference to President Trump.
All Politics Is Social
We also have built a digital response team that is sharing our message with a wider audience. We have also been sharing our digital messaging on social media (see our ads here and here). If you are already involved in efforts on Twitter and Facebook or are interested in learning more about how you can boost the political impact of your social media presence, check out these helpful hints. Also, be sure to follow us and share updates from our Facebook and Twitter pages.
Make It Count!
With less than one month left, we have to get out there and talk with voters about the risks of leaving President Trump's chaos unchecked. To get in the fight to hold Trump accountable, we recommend signing up with some of these great organizations:
Team Blue if you or someone you know can volunteer for a campaign full-time for the final weeks to Get Out The Vote, fill out this form.
If you’re ready to volunteer NOW, enter your zip code here to find an event near you or text TEAMBLUE to 43367.
If you only have limited time to volunteer, sign up with Swing Left to find a district near you to make a difference.
Make a Plan To Be a Voter
While working so hard to remind everyone else to be a voter, don't forget to make a plan to vote and to have your friends and family do the same. Check out Vote Save America to make sure you and your network are registered.
We have less than one month left until Election Day 2018. Let's make sure we are doing everything we can to defend America and hold President Trump accountable.
Many Thanks!
-The National Security Action Team