Anonymous ID: 343aa0 Oct. 11, 2018, 8:17 p.m. No.3446847   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Fair weather annons- or 100% shills-


Fair weather annons-

Stop for just one minute and recap all that has happened in just the last yr. Start with vid of " This will get Trump elected" What was laid out in a " MAP " of what was going to take place, before any of us knew a damn thing about what was really going on. Then, Q enters the arena and has tried to inform us what is happening behind the scene and how this is going to play out over time. Where would we be without him thus far?? There is only so much Q can reveal at one time without tipping their hat to the very SCUM we are trying to take down. Think of the magnitude of this corruption and the operations to bring it down. Potus and Q have a lot on their plate, more than the smartest annon in here could possible know. With that said, if you are a true annon Patriot, why don't you stop crying about it's not going your way, or fast enough ( DEM Playbook ). Sure we wan't things to happen on our time table but just step back and look at what has happened so far. If you can't do that, MAYBE this is not a place for you. Why were you drawn here in the first place? Do you believe Potus? Do you believe the evil cabal exist to the extent that has been outlined? Do you think this is our last chance to make things right? Have you not seen the greatest chess play in history? We all know DECLAS will bring down the house, but have you ever thought maybe it won't be needed before midterms because people are alreading waking up (KAV). Have you seen all the supporters of Potus at the rallies?? Coincidence?? We the people are going to hammer this home at MIDTERMS, Declass, whenever it happens is sweet icing on the cake. WE ARE WINNING BIGLY.


100% Shills-


Why are you even here?? Isn't Q a larp???? Why the need to persuade someone to think that he is?? Can't figure that one out? Sure, we wish you would go somewhere else and do what you do, but we love you shills. YOU MAKE US STRONGERJUST LIKE MSM. You can't and never will divide us. Annons are waking up by the thousands, becoming stronger, wiser, and can see right through you glowing faggot attempts. Shill on if you must, AND thanks in advance for making us stronger.

Also remember POTUS is still your president and it's going to happen regardless of what you think about Q. hehehe.