Anonymous ID: 38e860 Oct. 11, 2018, 8:18 p.m. No.3446869   🗄️.is 🔗kun


would be GOLD.

really don't see it having much effect on the ground though. in the REAL country 117%, ultimate redpillage.

not in the libtard ghetto shitholes of this nation. tell that to the vi or hawaii theyd probably mad from what ive learned off these dumbfucks.

Anonymous ID: 38e860 Oct. 11, 2018, 8:29 p.m. No.3447010   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7273


right?? if the idea of this slow walking here is to bring EVERYONE to a boiling point, they sure as shit got what they intended.

don't care what laws say what about dick where, i see flag burning or patriots being jumped and gang beat like hawaii or fucking niggerville, i WILL be defending Ol' Glory, myself, and ANY one of Us.

Anonymous ID: 38e860 Oct. 11, 2018, 8:35 p.m. No.3447082   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7210 >>7226


honestly, niggers hoodrats any of em carrying 20lbs of fake gold chains and pockets full of cash from drug sales, robbery, trafficking stolen property, or other illicit trades, aint gonna hand it all back for a 9-5 to make maybe 80 bucks a day after tax, not in cash, while having to do "slave labor" for "whitey" and "the man"

ask any of em, theyll tell you theyll make more in 10 minutes on any given corner than 10 days in any job youll get.

and frankly, those are actually the smarter ones, because theyre not wrong.

Anonymous ID: 38e860 Oct. 11, 2018, 8:57 p.m. No.3447348   🗄️.is 🔗kun


ya.. they do that. they take them to the jails. shit dont matter. wish it did. a lot too comes from such racial anymosity that black just doesn't want to assimilate either. " willingly walking back into bondage"

look at bartenders making hundreds of dollars in cash a night, no tax, no reporting, no man, easy work, don't really do shit (relatively).

tell any of them to go make the exact same pay check there making, without the cash tips, being a grocery clerk, digging ditches, data entry, theyll tell you to get fucked just the same.

it's not just the self perpetuating drug and crime based overall shitholeness, the system is fucked monetarily too.

and honestly, i swear and this isn't just a black brown anything problem, the county jail cops guarding the inmates are dumber than those they keep captive, minus the obious retards and crackheads, but in reality, people are just fucking stupid. like really. i been in jails. universities. country. cities. countries all over. in general, people in america are fucking stupid. that is the only reason i ever bought into the whole flouride thing, Q nailed it 100% these people are fucking stupid. look how many people the clintons husseins all the dumbfucks represent, look how many blindly follow. did we ever know Q or his drops even just back in 2016? as kids?

we are just able to think for ourselves.

but no hell no, cops arresting blacks, or me, just for simply having drugs, creates and compounds the entire system 10 fold, especially when each time you get more time for no other reason than youve done time before.

people in bali or other "3rd world" places ive been talk about reading the stars for navigation, car breaks down on a hill stopped over 50 stick shift shit boxes, they ALL rapid fire jump out rocks under tires lift up back ends help eachother get going, fixed a quarter mile of gridlock on a steep ass incline on a blind corner in middle of fucking nowhere, under 3 minutes. no bullshit.

i'm like "DUDE" that was the most incredible self sufficient coming together as a team ive EVER seen, they respond, confused even,

"who do YOU think is going to fix it?"