Anonymous ID: 665eb6 Oct. 11, 2018, 9:10 p.m. No.3447455   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7551

▶Anonymous 10/11/18 (Thu) 22:50:32 c46282 (1) No.3447268>>3447303 >>3447306

Midterms minimize the damage.

The final peaceable way out for the bad actors, and the strongest way to ensure the people's choice gets in and the final gears can finish turning.

Preferably, those individuals DJT endorses will win - likely proven squeaky clean, if not mostly clean to where any scandal is of no consequence.

The people vote in good actors = one less cabalist to remove via criminal charges/tribunal/execution = one less state demonized for being scumbags =faster healing and better national strength.

The people vote in bad actors = a cabalist to remove via… = a state demonized by those good people =a detriment to healing and national unity.

Better to demoralize the useful idiots with a crushing victory at the ballot box (peaceable) and show them the truth afterwards (understanding(?)) than remove their elected scumbag and bring their idiocy to a boil (violent) while they ignore the truth forever (latent, dormant evil).

Small hammers now, big hammer later.

Patience, Anons.

Some good men deserve to have their good work rewarded.

That good work is not yet finished.

We stay until the job is done.




Anonymous ID: 665eb6 Oct. 11, 2018, 9:28 p.m. No.3447614   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I probably agree with you

I think they may be taking a risk that they did not need to take


No need to go backwards even a little


But, hoping they know more than I do