Kanye may be famous and I dont know his work, but it's nice to see a "celebrity" being a regular American-type Trump fan.
Q's not telling much, it's mostly just "watch the news" for action on stuff we've known for years.
You'll get some hysterical soy boy etc memes on The Tasteless Gentleman on social media. Great site.
*95% of Doctors.
Because theyre all crooked, incompetent niggers.
Oh yes, I've known about most all this stuff in real time. Sounds like you havent, not me. My focus is domestic only.
Seems like a regular guy really. I heard more from him today that ever before, I dont follow that type of pop "culture."
Guess Fauxcahontas is on the warpath against the Marines now. I hope they survive the onslaught.
Just 1 big one the week the patient runs out of money.
Elvis would be 80 now, Dude. Re your idea, return to sender. You can go on with that suspicious mind. Not even for one night with you.
Ask an Archangel to bind the demon away in a deserted place so that it never can return.
It's logical Huber will unload after 1/1/19, when the new Mil Trib laws are in effect.
For a fake q, not terrible.
Laura has another gay ass demoncrat nigger on tonight. Dont these demonicrats have any straight niggers?
<Must be massive. Any public pics, anons?
Good work, Meme Lord.
I think the legends of dragons refer to dinos. Seems so to me.
CA is all about vote fraud. I'm hardly enthusiastic, although I may vote because of the anti-citizen initiatives. Cal is in lost status. Crooked masonic police state.
What if an old, ongoing criminal conspiracy of capital crimes is still ongoing on 1/2/19? Kekist.
If Trayvon had a deadbeat Dad he'd never met, he'd look a lot like Soetero,
That shape contains all geometric forms.
Good summary. Notable.
Has DHS done anything about vote fraud in CA? THATS my question before Trump asks for votes here. I dont want to be involved with this very crooked police state system.
Oh, he was bad, dont doubt it. He murdered all his lovers, for instance.
Nice. Yeah, 3 levels.
That happened around 2011.
Very spacious.
No question. Yuge issue.
Is that Q?
A cargo of Joe's intern love.
Hey Hon, How r u? See you later maybe.
Huber needs to get it going.
An American President, not a wannabe euroistocrat.
Read and learn, dumbfaggot. This is the slowest bread in months.
None of mine are trolling, it's a very slow bread.
Agree. Vote fraud is issue 1, 2, and 3.
Kllary got beat 2-1; I really believe that.
We'll see.