Anonymous ID: 83d466 Oct. 11, 2018, 10:50 p.m. No.3448330   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8377


It won't make any difference if they wait until then to DECLAS. Everyone will be completely distracted by the election (and by the results) for a long time afterwards. The GOP will retain its majority but I doubt it will be a 'red wave'. I'd bet money that it will be another typical mid term election—with a whole lot of pissed off people on both sides staying home and telling the politicians to fuck off. No matter what, we'll all still be sitting in a shit stew as long as the Deep State operators in the government and the media keep at it.


Democrats are now threatening outright violence if they lose, and their friends in the fake media are stoking the flames. I'm watching and hoping for better, but I don't much expect it anymore. From now on, all of us will just have to deal with the reality that a big chunk of what the rest of the world used to envy about America is gone, and it ain't coming back.


Answer honestly…in the aftermath of this, do you see yourself holding hands and singing Kumbaya with those insane, violent, lefty motherfuckers out there? No, really. Think about it.