Anonymous ID: 15ddc9 Oct. 12, 2018, 8:07 a.m. No.3451205   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1221 >>1288




Deepstate Strategy Shift

guys, the Khashoggi disappearance was clearly a hitjob to give the Deep State a talking point, nothing more. But it gives us a bright line to go after their operatives on both sides of the Aisle.


The Deep State(DS) is dividing their forces at this point. They are already having their Israeli dual citizen and Nevertrumpers attack Democrats.


Shapiro, Guy Benson, and Amanda Carpenter are all going after Democrats. The DS knows the Democrat party is done for and they are trying to build up their people on the Republican side of the aisle.


The ones they are intent on saving look like the ones that are media figures (Benson and company). Looks like the politicians are being set up as easy targets for the purge (See Michael Steele) of traitors after the big Red Wave.


Plenty of work to do after the win. Go Vote!

Anonymous ID: 15ddc9 Oct. 12, 2018, 8:15 a.m. No.3451276   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1283


I have the solution. Let people put whatever they want into their own body if they are not pregnant, and thereby putting it into someone else's body. It sounds all nice to protect people from themselves, what I've believed for most of my 50 years, but when you follow it out to the logical ends, you are talking about using the violence of the state (regulations enforced by state employees with guns) for an activity that did not harm anyone who did not volunteer for it.


If I owned 100 slaves, I would not want them destroying their health either, but it would not be out of benevolence. We have more people incarcerated (the exception to restrictions on involuntary servitude) than any other country in the world, and most of them harmed no one but themselves (and they steal money from me at gunpoint to keep them locked up).


The only regulations should be to protect actual victims, like kids on the road where a stoner might drive, or an unborn child in utero.


No victim, no crime. It was good enough for the Founders, its good enough for me.


Ask yourself: would I voluntarily pay to lock up drug user who harmed no one out of my own pocket? Would I keep doing it if I had other things I wanted to do with the money?