Anonymous ID: 24b729 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:51 a.m. No.3451079   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1091 >>1098 >>1100 >>1114 >>1136 >>1155

I think Q is mad at us. or the shills. Thorough tongue lashing and no drops for 3 days.


Meanwhile I'm looking at Russia and the US, our respective Ag and meat production, GDP, population densities and population rates, our respective energy production and surplus. And contrasting that with the rest of the world. We have to team up with Russia, imho, frenz. The rest of the world is an overflowing petrie dish shithole waiting for the next catastrophe.

And China rescinded its one child rule, so you know they are gearing up for war on a global scale. China and India combined have 1/5th the world populations. Both are headed for population crashes of the worst kind, pestilence, starvation, internal war… China is only staving it off for so long because of our help heating up their economy but with their population checks no longer in place and the US no longer supporting their economy…

It is not going to be pretty.