Anonymous ID: 39f790 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:30 a.m. No.3450909   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0926 >>0996

New RNC Ad Highlights Democrats’ Extreme Rhetoric, Calling Them ‘An Unhinged Mob’

Anonymous ID: 39f790 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:39 a.m. No.3450974   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hypocrisy Alert: Joe Donnelly’s Family Business Uses China Imports


It’s an attack the Indiana Democrat has leveled against his opponent, but Donnelly never mentioned that his family business does it, too.


Indiana Democrat Joe Donnelly’s family business has been nothing but a headache for the incumbent senator. Last summer, the Associated Press reported that the business, Stewart Superior Corp., ships “thousands of pounds of raw materials to Mexico,” only for the finished products to be transported back to the U.S. for sale.

Anonymous ID: 39f790 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:46 a.m. No.3451044   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1137 >>1175 >>1249

Menendez Blames Trump for Not Filling Diplomatic Posts, Then Blocks Them

Pompeo: Menendez and other Democrats using nominees as 'political footballs'


"Today, there are more than 60 State Department nominees awaiting confirmation in the United States Senate," he said. "That's more than a quarter of all the senior-level confirmable positions at the Department."


More than a dozen of these "qualified political nominees" are being held up by Senate Democrats because of politics, he said, before pointedly blasting Menendez for his role.


"These outstanding candidates remain unconfirmed because Senator Menendez and some of his colleague are using our nominees as a political football. This is unacceptable," he said.

Anonymous ID: 39f790 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:59 a.m. No.3451147   🗄️.is 🔗kun

These people walk free all the time , what good would any big name arrests do if they just walk free…Figure it Out


Three Illegal Alien Pedophiles Caught in Three Days In Texas


CNS News reported that three illegal aliens with criminals records involving sex crimes against children were arrested in three separate incidents in Texas.


Customs and Border Protection said that on Tuesday, Oct. 9, its officers in McAllen, Texas “arrested a Mexican national after he illegally entered the United States near Mission, Texas.” During his processing, records showed that the alien had been arrested previously for “indecency with a child” and had served a three-year prison sentence.


Also on Tuesday, Fort Brown CBP agents arrested a Mexican national near Brownsville, Texas. A records check showed the Mexican had been arrested in Greer, South Carolina, “for sexual conduct with a minor,” and had served a 12-year prison sentence.


On Wednesday, Oct. 10, CBP agents arrested a Salvadoran national near a border checkpoint. The Salvadoran had previously been arrested in Dallas for “aggravated sexual assault of a child,” said the CBP.


These are the people being protected by the open borders Democrats.


This is not unusual. It is much worse than you think.

Anonymous ID: 39f790 Oct. 12, 2018, 8:08 a.m. No.3451211   🗄️.is 🔗kun

When ‘Populist’ Becomes a Slur

The term has been weaponized by hypocritical elites who want to silence opposition.


In order to make sense of the term “populism” as ordinarily used today, we must first take into account that it has been defined almost exclusively by America’s permanent ruling establishment.


This establishment is sometimes called the “deep state,” but we should resist a narrow political conception of the power structure in question. To convey the nature and reach of it, we need something like the old Aristotelian term “regime,” which refers not merely to government in the modern sense but also to an entire socio-cultural ethos that sets the tone in society and molds the way in which people view the world.


America’s permanent regime consists most importantly of the elites in the media, the universities, Hollywood, Wall Street, Madison Avenue, Silicon Valley, and Washington. This multi-faceted ruling class, linked by similar sensibilities and perspectives on the world, has immense political influence, to be sure, but it has even greater power to shape the country’s moral outlook, its mind, and its imagination, through education, publishing, movies, music, and even advertising. It has the ability to define what is and what is not newsworthy, to lionize or demonize persons and phenomena. What the regime approves of is portrayed as “normal,” “mainstream,” or “moderate”—everything else it can dismiss as extreme, radical, or worse.