Anonymous ID: 9695e4 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:49 a.m. No.3451069   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In light of Q's last post, I want to add something in regards to the timing of "The Plan"…both from the planning phase and the prosecutorial phase we all desire.


When you hear/read that this "plan" has been in the works for some time, that is not hyperbole. It wasn't a bunch of disenfranchised folks sitting around during Obama's term getting pissed off and hoping lightening struck to turn the tables. When you break down what happens during the course of a military tribunal, it is important to know who will have their hands in the mix. Assuming most of our favorite criminals (Obama, Clinton, Comey, etc) will go this route, step back for a second and examine how that process unfolds.


Most of us assume that the "death penalty" is in play. Wonderful. Even if it isn't and a prison sentence is handed down that is greater than one year, an automatic review process and appeal process kicks into gear. This is how I have come to realize this plan has been in the works for a long, long time.


Any sentence greater than one year in prison (up to and including the death penalty), the Court of Criminal Appeals automatically reviews each case. The composition of that court is made up of 5 judges. Each of those judges are nominated by the President, confirmed by the Senate, and serves on the bench for 15 years. To uphold the tribunals ruling, it only takes a majority (3). This was once thought of us a benefit to our cause. However, THIS IS IMPORTANT:


What/who makes up the composition of that court? Who appointed them? When do their terms expire? Sit back and hold on…


Scott Stucky - Chief Justice - Appointed by G.W. Bush - Term Expires in 2021

Margaret Ryan - Circuit Judge - Appointed by G.W. Bush - Term Expires in 2021

Kevin Ohlsen - Circuit Judge - Appointed by Obama - Term Expires in 2028

John Sparks - Circuit Judge - Appointed by Obama - Term Expires in 2031

Gergory Maggs - Circuit Judge - Appointed by Trump - Term Expires in 2033


It doesn't take a mensa member to see that if we are truly to get retribution for the crimes committed…going back to September 11th, 2001…not only did the circuit courts, district courts, and Supreme Court need cleansing, but so did this one.


I highly, highly doubt that this court would just randomly throw out a conviction. That being said, for the upper echelon players, do you want to risk it? Couple that with it is not necessarily a given that you could include in a plea deal (which most facing death would do) waiving your right to an appeal (like you can in criminal court).


Long story short…this has been in the works for a long, LONG time. So for those calling for heads now, what good is it to arrest someone only for them to walk a year or two later? The arrest isn't the penalty. The conviction sticking is. So tap the breaks Anons. True justice won't have the ability to be confidently served the sunset of Trump's second term when he can replace the two G.W. Bush appointees.