Anonymous ID: a0c644 Oct. 12, 2018, 6:48 a.m. No.3450584   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0614

don't need Q to tell me i ought to keep my guns clean.

or collect my brass.

or to let off a few every week or so at various ranges.


don't need Q to urge me to vote.

no Q needed to tell me to support my fellow patriots with my purchases.

do not need Q to tell me how crooked most things are.

Q isn't needed to tell me that my government has been for sale for decades by politicians (Mark Twain said that, akchually).

do not need Q to have a very informed opinion on many things discussed here.


if there is no Q, what is lost here?

if Q is a giant LARP, it apparently morphed into something quite unexpected.

if there is an akchual Q Team, it explains the many inconsistencies in posts.

Q drops are still full of links to fuckery on all fronts.

many were not commonly understood or known.


so - what purpose does Q serve with so much information already cached by anons?

what can Q drop at this point, other than direct explanation of fuckery, that anons do not sense or know?


with many eyes on the board, the best option is disinfo for Q Team.


a few hundred thousand butthurt keyboard jockeys in a world of 7 billion?


small price.


so how come I always come here to find out the news and spin, instead of other places?

how come I trust the heavily sifted, heavily sourced and even the casually observed things anons discuss here?



Anonymous ID: a0c644 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:35 a.m. No.3450944   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0953 >>0969 >>0976 >>1049 >>1118 >>1131 >>1140

does Q send emails asking anons to do a dig?

or do anons dig based on new information and people in the mix of things?


Q said "crumbs - just crumbs" - the rest was anons hungry for truth.


Yes - more crumbs came - but look at the level of detail, the unearthed connections, the 'spider web' of interlocking businesses uncovered - all dug by anons.


Q didn't do this - Q Team has it all, already. They cannot or will not dump it into the open.

anons do not know why they cannot - likely due to overload of consequences if they do -they are a very small team, we were told.


if this started as a LARP, it is now the biggest self0sustaining LARP in history.

it is a LARP that draws shills from the entire planet trying to mislead, obfuscate and derail the research done here by anonymous people wanting truth.

if Q did not return, would Q Research die?

at this point, i think not.

there is far too much fuckery and far less than 6 degrees of separation between the corrupt businesses stored already by anons.

pieces will always be missing - because fuckery, corruption and evil hide themselves in layers of lawyers and legalese and shell corps.


the truth is what is wanted by anons, and anons dig for it without Q insistence - they always have.

anons are united in wanting to KNOW.


why does so much anon research get pirated?

why does so much of it eventually appear at other places, but in less detail?


Q is NOT a leader.

Q Team state they work for us to overthrow and expose a WW cabal of evil.

Patriot is their self-proclaimed identifier.


if they "have it ALL", what is the purpose of dropping crumbs here?

independent source for parallel construction?

to "out" certain people or orgs at a 'non-legal' or 'non-professional' level?

to set a fire to drive rats out?

to pour disinfo into the mix and cloud enemy eyes?


Q always sayd "think logically".


logically, what has Q done here with the drops?

logically, what have anons uncovered that is never talked about in other places?




shell corps?

documents hidden in massive archives which other refuse to search?

public information hidden by the shear amount of published documents?

