Anonymous ID: bdd2b1 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:25 a.m. No.3450859   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0885


>Murphy Brown


I was going to make fun of anon with the wife watching the tv show "Murphy Brown", as it was a TV show back in the 90s that took every chance it could to espouse the relevancy of women. Then, I looked it up.


They brought this fucking shit show back. And apparently, there's a #MeToo episode. Fucking sad, man. Fucking sad.

Anonymous ID: bdd2b1 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:53 a.m. No.3451097   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1103 >>1134


Correct. It's a shill tactic to sew frustration with the lack of public arrests/trials. I think many anons also forget that the types of trials they are yearning for might also not be public in the least due to the nature of them.



So, anons here know and understand the cabal as a Church of Satan. What we understand this to mean, and what the mass public understands it to mean, are two totally different things. Public view?

  1. Carefree debauchery

  2. Drugs

  3. Fame

  4. Politics

  5. Greed/Money

  6. Perhaps some "fringe" conspiracies like sex cults gasp!


What anons know it to means:

  1. Sex cults

  2. Torture cults

  3. Cannibalism

  4. Selling gov't secrets to weaken the resistance

  5. Subjugation

  6. Infiltration of all institutions

  7. MK Ultra/Television (((programming)))

  8. Multiculturalism as a means to eliminate hatred/unique identities

  9. Globalism

  10. Sexually abusing children/babies


Don't even get me started on the "We're not alone in the Universe" shit.


If most of the mass public even knew the truth about cannibalism and the sex crimes against children, they would actually be devastated. Think of all the parents whose children have gone missing over the decades to never return home. The automatic assumption would be the worst of the worst. Why do you think the "normalization" pushes have been so extreme as of late? They are trying to condition the public to be of the mind set of "Well, I know it's real, but I can't do anything about it…". That's the long con they've been playing.


No to mention that the real truth that even anons don't know would probably send people reeling. Think about what we know here, and the rest of it that we still have no fucking clue about.