Anonymous ID: cd5080 Oct. 12, 2018, 6:38 a.m. No.3450531   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0643 >>0736

Signatures have necessary meaning.


Go deeper.

Signatures are IMPORTANT.


re: photo

The graphic is your key.


[an opening in the clouds]


Key - unlocks the door of all doors (info)


Fake pic push by MSM.

Videos / backup.

Google kill.

YouTube kill.

FB kill.

Twitter kill.

Yahoo kill.

Bing kill.

Instagram kill.

Net will be paused.


On the clock.



UP IS DOWN. [reverse that sequence]



Global Internet Outage Over Next 48 Hours Could Affect Some Users, According To ICANN


October 12, 2018


ICANN has scheduled the Root Zone Key Signing Key (KSK) Rollover for today,

and it could affect some DNS users all over the world.


By Rolling the KSK, ICANN implies that a new cryptographic public and private key pair

will be generated and the private key will be distributed to internet service providers,

enterprise network administrators, and Domain Name System (DNS) resolver operators.



Key Signing Key


Not an IT Security guy. Does this tickle your gut?