Anonymous ID: 7bd254 Oct. 12, 2018, 8:29 a.m. No.3451397   🗄️.is 🔗kun

National Propaganda Radio was spreading False Flag conspiracy theories yesterday.


INSKEEP: Let's go ahead a few decades. James K. Polk is president of the United States in the 1840s. What'd he do?

BESCHLOSS: Well, James K. Polk was a liar and a cheat and a bully, and he wanted the United States to have a big war with Mexico. And his hidden agenda was he wanted to get New Mexico, he wanted to get California - which were owned by Mexico at that time - a lot of other land, and add it to the United States. In 1846, he sent American troops down to the Texas border to provoke the Mexicans. The Mexicans fought back. And Polk says, look, there's been this terrible attack on us by Mexico. We need a big war. Congress gladly gave it to him.

INSKEEP: I guess we should just explain this a little more. He sent troops into disputed territory between the U.S. and Mexico, right?

BESCHLOSS: He did. And the result was Polk had essentially fabricated an incident that would allow him to go to Congress and say we need a big war with Mexico.