Anonymous ID: b914e5 Oct. 12, 2018, 8:24 a.m. No.3451341   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1353 >>1415 >>1534


You dont need church to find god. He is right there in you right now. You dont need dogma or anything. Everything in the universe is vibration and frequency. Thoughts are vibration and frequency. God is the universe and we are part of God. Actually part of God. God is never apart. You can just shut you eyes and meditate or pray. Talk like your talking to a friend. Nothing fancy and no fawning and bowing and scraping. That is for slaves. God does not do slavery.


When your calm imagine a white light connecting you to God or source...and just relate.


Churches are designed to steal from you and get access to your kids buttholes. You dont need them at all. No one needs an intermeditary between you and god.