Anonymous ID: c68c56 Oct. 12, 2018, 9:06 a.m. No.3451765   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1950



Here in Australia the Liberal Coalition is the conservative side and Labour party

the opposite, with the Greens taking up the "alternate" space.


We usually get the regurgitated MSM waffle pushed on to us mingled into our

National news. Prefer just listening to the local regional news. National broadcaster

supposedly non-partisan, but what on earth is happening now?

In the last week we've had both Clapper & Woodward spewing pro-D rhetoric and

one of the commercial stations had an interview with Stormy Daniels, go figure!?


Luckily the Q channel lets one read between the lines and make a more balanced

view of world affairs. Hasn't been easy being Woke (friends think I'm a fruit cake

and gone off the deep end). Patience, patience . . . .


Am really embarrassed too that our country is tangled up in the five-eyes thing, and

as far as Downer is concerned, yes he needs to go down if found out to have been

a very naughty boy.