Anonymous ID: 21af52 Oct. 12, 2018, 9:39 a.m. No.3452091   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2119

>>3451410 (lb)

None of the Dem pols actually BELIEVE in ANYTHING. Neither do their voters, who are only capable of plodding forward, eyes glazed, repeating the mesmerized mantra: Muh abortion. Muh gun control. Muh perviness. Muh ebil whites. Muh no border..................

Anonymous ID: 21af52 Oct. 12, 2018, 10:20 a.m. No.3452466   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2489 >>2505


Roger roger!


There is now a second Red October Memewar ammo depository >>3425883 , since the first one >>3257753 is full.

Just modified 62 #Walkaway memes by adding a #RedOctober widget or hashtag and posted in #2 Red October Memewar bread. >>3425883

And harvested 70 images from the same bread for the memeArchives.

Anons are still most welcome to deposit memes on other topics in a regular memes bread #32 >>3378710


Those who wish to download memes in bulk, please visit our


30,000+ memes and infographs (File names contain searchable keywords.)


The library is getting quite large, but if you just want #RedOctober memes, you'll find them in the 2018-4Q folder, Red October Memewar subfolder. Right click a folder and select download. Or you can download individual memes while browsing the library.


Filenames contain searchable keywords.

Although we need intelligible filenames to manage our library, before when you post on social media, it is suggested to download the fullsize image to your local storage, and give it a nondescript filename. Don't give Twitter/FB any help identifying your content by an intelligible filename.


Happy twatting!

God bless patriots!!!!!!