Anonymous ID: 5f6c76 Oct. 12, 2018, 10:50 a.m. No.3452744   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Scientists say Trump's border wall would devastate wildlife habitat - Texas Tribune


When kids in cages don't work anymore, and illegal aliens are still killing Americans, could this be the new battleground for the anti-wall and pro-illegal alien crowd?


While the report in the Tribune states that "…still, the impacts of the border fence on wildlife aren’t totally understood…" and “it’s hard to comment on where we are today. And there was a lot of concern about that…” it doesn't stop these stories from being written in an effort to shut down wall construction.


The story quotes "…More than 100 other endangered species may be impacted by construction of a wall…" while ignoring the fact that the often hunted species of the American Citizen could be endangered, nay, is endangered due to the murder of said species. Not just the extinction of the American Citizen due to being hunted, but also to globalism and the invasion of another species, the illegal Alien.


Also, can't we change the name of legal immigrants, from, for example, Mexican American to American Mexican, or American Asian, or American African?

I think we should.