Anonymous ID: 847d6f Oct. 12, 2018, 10:55 a.m. No.3452793   🗄️.is 🔗kun


An analysis by Roll Call ranked McCaskill the 24th richest member of Congress, with an estimated $26.9 million net worth. Much of her wealth is attributed to the business success of her husband, Joseph Shepard, which was already well-established when they married in 2002.


The latest criticisms center on news reports that her husband has invested $1 million in Matrix Capital Management, a U.S.-based fund that feeds into a "master fund" located in the Cayman Islands. Hawley spokeswoman Kelli Ford called McCaskill a "phony" after she previously co-sponsored legislation that would target tax havens, but McCaskill spokeswoman Meira Bernstein has said she makes policy decisions based on what's good for Missourians, not her husband.


McCaskill has also faced pushback over her use of a private plane during some parts of a state tour that her campaign promoted with photos of her campaign RV.