Anonymous ID: bd8658 Oct. 12, 2018, 10:23 a.m. No.3452499   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2506

Fair enough. Here's my response.

When are you grandma's basement dwelling faggots going to understand that not all patriots have time to dig every piece of bread posted?!? Do you think we are supposed to just read them and trust everything you say?!? CLEARLY you don't understand the conservative OR patriot mindset right now. I QUESTION EVERYTHING INCLUDING YOU FAGGOT NIGGERS!! A proper dig on a single piece of bread can sometimes take hours I DON'T HAVE!! A cursory glance a notables tells me whether I want to dig or not or if I have that much time to spare at all. If people can't come here and ask a simple straight forward question w/o being call a retard or shill because we didn't read everything you wrote, then NONE OF YOU WILL EVER RED PILL ANYONE HERE! If you can't be civilized, you aren't fit for this country any more than the lefties! I ask you a civil question in public and you respond to me like this, you're going to swallow your own teeth! You fucking faggots better get a handle on your shit before you wander out in the daylight!!