Anonymous ID: ec5fcf Oct. 12, 2018, 10:25 a.m. No.3452514   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2523

I've been here since before election. Never understood Brittany and those chasing Pizzagate…whatever.


In Q's last post, he/they tell us that they are NOT in control. That they have to wait. RE-READ Don't kill messenger


He lists his accomplishments just as Joshua did in his Farewell speech as they divided the lands.


RR goes back 30 years w/ Mueller in seedy sh*t. The Gen Cartwright conviction under Holder was crap. RR has connections to Hussain, Mueller, Bush, LL, Holder. ETC


RR letter to fire Comey then testifies to congress that he knew Trump would anyway…weasel


Appoints Mueller who he has 30 year relationship w/ chasing corruption.


Tell Trump…"ya, but I didn't mean the wire tap thing, throwing others under bus. Refuses to testify


MSM floods w/ pro RR stories and pro SC Mueller stories


I think they may have threatning JR or tearing open Trump Corp Taxes


Haley quits…..No more Hannity tick tocks or Sara