Anonymous ID: fc00a3 Oct. 12, 2018, 9:58 a.m. No.3452253   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2274 >>2316

MORE WINNING! Turkey Releases Imprisoned US Christian Pastor Following Sanctions by Trump Administration


Pastor Andrew Brunson has been released so that he can return to the United States after spending two years imprisoned in Turkey.


Pastor Brunson was on house arrest following his release from prison and was unable to return to the US. He had been living in Turkey and was working for the small Izmir Resurrection Church when he was arrested over his ties to various political groups following the failed 2016 coup attempt.


Pastor Andrew Brunson


In order to secure the pastor’s release, the Trump administration had imposed sanctions on two Turkish officials who were linked to the arrest and detention and employed other various economic actions on the Turkish government.


According to a press release, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, in his capacity as a Commissioner on the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, attended this morning’s hearing near Izmir, Turkey, where the pastor was released.


“The prayers of thousands were answered today when Pastor Brunson was released by the Turkish government and told he could go home to the United States. Those prayers combined with the unwavering resolve of President Trump, Vice President Pence, Secretary Pompeo and Ambassador Brownback brought tangible help to Pastor Brunson and hope to those around the globe who are being persecuted because of their faith,” Perkins said.


“Yesterday afternoon I visited with Pastor Brunson and his wife Norine and delivered letters from President Trump and Vice President Pence that assured them of this administration’s commitment to them and the underlying principle of religious freedom. I also took the opportunity to share with them the names of over 16,000 Christians in the US that signed a pledge over the last few days to stand with them in prayer — those prayers have been answered,” Perkins added. “America seeks the well-being of all peaceful, freedom loving people, but this administration has made clear America will not sacrifice religious freedom and the well-being of Americans on the altar of globalism.”


As I stated yesterday I think this was in exchange for the Saudi embassy Journo footage

Anonymous ID: fc00a3 Oct. 12, 2018, 10:03 a.m. No.3452301   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I believe they traded the footage for his release


Turkey says it has video, audio of missing activist's murder at Saudi consulate, report says

Anonymous ID: fc00a3 Oct. 12, 2018, 10:05 a.m. No.3452323   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2412

FBI Recalls Agents Worldwide Amid Prostitution Investigation


There have been arising allegations the past months against FBI agents assigned across East and Southeast Asia pertaining to partaking in prostitution and partying. In response, those involved have been recalled back to Washington as a probe on the matter is ongoing.


The Justice Department’s inspector general is looking into the allegations. The agents in question were assigned to about half a dozen cities in East and Southeast Asia.


The nature of the allegations, however, remain unclear for now.


FBI has offices based at US embassies in cities all over the world, where agents work alongside their foreign counterparts to battle international terrorism. They are also there to look specifically into FBI cases. Length of posts may vary, with some lasting for several years, enough to be closely acquainted with the culture and dynamics of a particular country. Some agents feel their jobs involve drinking late into the night with local officials to build relationships and strengthen camaraderie.


Prostitution is legal or highly tolerated in some of those host countries, still agents engaging in such remains a cause of concern for the FBI. FBI officials worry that such could be a “potential avenue for their agents to be compromised by foreign intelligence services.”


The FBI released a statement on the allegations involving their agents. It said: “Upon learning of these allegations of misconduct, action was taken to reassign certain personnel to non-operational roles while the allegations are reviewed.”


The FBI also stressed: “"All FBI employees are held to the highest standards of conduct, and allegations against any employee are taken very seriously."


In 2012, another US law enforcement agency, the Secret Service disciplined nearly a dozen agents amid allegations of interactions with local prostitutes in Colombia while preparing for the visit of then President Barack Obama.


In 2015, a Justice Department inspector general report discovered US Drug Enforcement Administration agents in foreign postings attended sex parties with prostitutes scandalously paid for by drug cartels.

Anonymous ID: fc00a3 Oct. 12, 2018, 10:11 a.m. No.3452387   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2483 >>2573 >>2734 >>2791

Poland, Hungary Veto EU Human Rights Report Which Ignores Christian and Jewish Persecution


The European Union’s annual report on civil rights will not be officially adopted because it will be vetoed by member states Poland and Hungary, which complain that while it describes protecting LGBT people and immigrants, the growing persecution of Christians and Jews is not mentioned.


Poland was first to stand up against the document, with Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro announcing his nation would not ratify the report on Thursday. Because the update on the application of the EU’s Charter of Fundamental Rights, published annually since 2010, has failed to be approved unanimously by all EU member states, the 2017 edition would not now be adopted at all.


Poland was subsequently joined by fellow central-European conservative nation Hungary in opposition to the document’s contents, which a Polish government source told wPolityce “is important, because it shows that we are not alone in the important matter of defending Christian rights in Europe and in the world”.

Anonymous ID: fc00a3 Oct. 12, 2018, 10:13 a.m. No.3452396   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2573 >>2734 >>2791

Mexican Cop Arrested with 50 Pounds of Meth in California, Say Police


A police officer from Mexico was arrested in Orange County, California, for allegedly transporting 50 pounds of methamphetamine on Wednesday.


An Orange County Sheriff’s deputy patrolling the I-5 Freeway between Orange and San Diego counties reportedly stopped a vehicle for equipment violations and contacted a male driver who identified himself as 41-year-old Miguel Angel González Patrón, according to local reports. Patrón claimed to be an active duty municipal police officer from Ensenada, Baja California, and produced a Mexican identification card as proof of his employment. The Orange County deputy reportedly noted that Patrón appeared extremely nervous and displayed behavior suggesting criminal activity.


After Patrón reportedly consented to have his vehicle searched, the deputy, with assistance from a narcotic K-9 detection dog, discovered a hidden compartment containing more than 50 pounds of methamphetamine. Patrón was arrested and detained on suspicion of transporting a controlled substance and use of a hidden compartment to conceal a controlled substance, according to Orange County Sheriff’s Officials. Patrón was booked and held on a $200,000 bail.


According to local media reports from Ensenada, Jorge Íñiguez Díaz, the Director of Public Security, confirmed Patrón is an active duty officer and was listed on vacation at the time of his arrest. Patrón is assigned to the south sector of the municipality and is already facing administrative actions for his arrest back home.


Ensenada, the once peaceful beach resort community approximately 68 miles south of the U.S.-Mexico Border, is seeing a spike in cartel activity and violence.


The Mexican Army made two seizures in Ensenada on August 17 (1,036 pounds of meth, heroin, and fentanyl) and August 18 (1,653 pounds of meth, fentanyl, and marijuana).


The Mexican Army made a seizure of 1.5 tons (3,064 pounds or 1,390 KG) of hard drugs consisting of fentanyl, heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine in Ensenada in June 2018.

Anonymous ID: fc00a3 Oct. 12, 2018, 10:14 a.m. No.3452406   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2423 >>2450 >>2458

Texan Gets 244 Years for Raping Newborn Daughter on Meth


A Texas man was sentenced Thursday to 244 years in prison for brutally raping his 38-day-old daughter while high on methamphetamine.


Patricio Medina, 27, was found guilty Wednesday in Waco’s 54th State District Court for the 2014 sexual assault and abuse of his newborn daughter while in a meth-induced state.


The jury convicted him on five charges — one count of aggravated sexual assault of a child younger than six, two counts of injury to a child, and two counts of endangering a child.


Despite pleas from Medina’s attorneys and family members for a 25 year prison sentence, the jury sentenced Medina to 80 years in prison without the possibility of parole for the aggravated sexual assault conviction. Then, the jury handed Medina two 80-year sentences for the conviction on two counts of injury to a child and four years for the conviction on two counts of endangering a child, according to the Waco Tribune-Herald. These sentences will run concurrently.


In March 2014, Medina was accused of sexually violating the 38-day-old after a doctor found 48 broken or fractured bones, a black eye, and other injuries on the infant during her five-week-old checkup. At the time, medical professionals told Waco police that some of the skeletal injuries were consistent with shaken baby syndrome, according to KXXV. Medina was arrested. He admitted to his methamphetamine habit and, subsequently, tested positive for the drug in a test conducted by Texas Child Protective Services (CPS). However, he only told investigators he squeezed and shook the baby when he was upset with the baby’s mother and his girlfriend Lisa Montoya.


KWTX reported Medina was indicted in November 2015. He has remained in custody at the McLennan County Jail since April 2017 in lieu of a $225,000 bond. While in jail, Medina befriended then fellow inmate Fernando Herrera, who testified during the two-day trial which began on Tuesday.


Herrera told jurors the men forged a jailhouse friendship over their shared methamphetamine addictions which led Medina to confide in him about what happened to the baby. The Tribune-Herald reported Herrera said Medina told him Montoya left the house and he cared for the baby who started crying. Medina said, at the time, he was high on meth and found himself sexually aroused by the sounds of the newborn’s sobs, which he said he mistook for the moaning of a sexually aroused woman. According to Herrera, Medina said he forced himself on the baby girl, including penetrating her mouth.


Doctors also testified on the extensive bone breaks and fractures found all over the baby’s body in various stages of healing, suggesting the suspected abuse went on for weeks. The State called Montoya, the baby’s mother, to the witness stand. She expressed uncertainty on how the baby’s injuries occurred. She said Medina would watch the baby and her two sisters when she ran errands or was out of the house. Montoya admitted the couple often used methamphetamines at home while the children slept but she never saw him abuse the baby or her other daughters. Previously, Montoya pleaded guilty to two counts of child endangerment for leaving the baby in Medina’s custody.


During the two-day trial, prosecutors described the baby’s first weeks of life as a “living hell.” Medina and Montoya lost custody of the children. The baby, who is now four years old, and the two other siblings, were adopted by a family in McLennan County. Prosecutors said the little girl is doing well.


The Waco newspaper noted Montoya had two other children who were adopted by family members once CPS removed the children from her care.

Anonymous ID: fc00a3 Oct. 12, 2018, 10:19 a.m. No.3452448   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2477 >>2487

Facebook says hackers accessed data of 29 million users


Facebook has admitted that hackers accessed the data of 29 million users on the social network by using people's friends lists to steal access tokens.


The social network addressed the September attack on Friday, saying in a statement that it is cooperating with the FBI, which is "actively investigating." Facebook added that the bureau has asked it not to discuss who may be behind the attack.


It explained that 50 million people's access tokens are believed to have been affected, and that 30 million of those actually had their tokens stolen.


"First, the attackers already controlled a set of accounts, which were connected to Facebook friends. They used an automated technique to move from account to account so they could steal the access tokens of those friends, and for friends of those friends, and so on, totaling about 400,000 people," Facebook wrote.


The information that was gained by the hackers varied, with 15 million people having their name and contact details disclosed. An additional 14 million people had that information breached; as well as other details from their profile, including the device types they use to access Facebook, their education background, and employment data. The hackers did not access the information of the remaining one million people.


Facebook also stressed that the attack did not affect Messenger, Messenger Kids, Instagram, WhatsApp, Oculus, Workplace, Pages, payments, third-party apps, or advertising or developer accounts.


The 30 million people who were affected will receive "customized messages" in the coming days, explaining what information the hackers might have accessed.


In the tech world, the term "access tokens" refers to digital keys that keep people logged in to sites so they don't need to re-enter their password every time they want to use an app or website.

Anonymous ID: fc00a3 Oct. 12, 2018, 10:21 a.m. No.3452469   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2573 >>2734 >>2791

New charges: French courts won’t leave Marine Le Pen alone


Marine Le Pen seems to be under attack from all fronts as fresh charges of embezzling public funds are reportedly levied against her. She's also being investigated for posting an order for her psychiatric examination online.

EU funds misuse case


The president of France's National Rally (formerly Front National) has long been under investigation for breach of trust over her alleged misuse of EU funds.


However, on Friday AFP sources revealed that the charges have been upgraded to “embezzling public funds”, an offense that can land the politician in prison for 10 years and result in €1 million fine.


Le Pen is accused of fictitiously employing her bodyguard and chief of staff as her assistants at the European Parliament while they actually did no EU work. Since the accusations emerged months before the May presidential election, the politician slammed the probe as a “political plot” against her.


Chief of staff Catherine Griset was charged with breach of trust, while bodyguard Thierry Legier was detained and interrogated. He was later released without any charges pressed against him.


Psychiatric examination


Separate charges against le Pen stem from her releasing an order from magistrates in Nanterre near Paris in September to “undergo a psychiatric examination.” She denounced the order as “mind-blowing,” saying: “This regime is really starting to scare [us].”


According to French laws, it is forbidden to publish indictments and other criminal or penal proceedings before they have been read out in court.


The 2017 presidential candidate took to Twitter, this time without attaching any legal documents, to confirm the procedures against her. “Now they are going after me for having made public the order submitting me to a psychiatric expertise,” she wrote, adding that this “judicial harassment” is becoming “terrifying.”


The psychiatric assessment was ordered for a series of tweets dating back to December 2015. She posted three pictures of killings carried out by Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) terrorists accompanied by the text “Daesh [Arabic term for IS] is THIS!”


The tweets were in response to journalist Jean-Jacques Bourdin, who compared Le Pen’s nationalist rhetoric to that of the Islamic terrorist group.

Anonymous ID: fc00a3 Oct. 12, 2018, 10:23 a.m. No.3452501   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Roe V. Wade Victim Lied about Being Raped


Norma McCorvey, aka "Jane Roe" is the woman behind the 1973 Roe V. Wade lawsuit. She later went on to become pro-life and regretted the Supreme Court decision, which ruled that individual state laws banning abortion are unconstitutional.



Anonymous ID: fc00a3 Oct. 12, 2018, 10:25 a.m. No.3452510   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2624

Duncan Hunter Demands Ammar Campa-Najjar Return Palestinian Ambassador’s Donation


Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA) demanded Thursday that his Democratic opponent, Ammar Campa-Najjar, return a $250.00 donation he received last year from Palestinian ambassador Feda Abdelhady Nasser, Deputy Permanent Observer of the State of Palestine [sic] to the United Nations.


Breitbart News reported the unusual donation on Wednesday from Abdelhady Nasser, the second-ranking Palestinian diplomat at the U.N. Ambassador Abdelhady is the daughter of Palestinian immigrants to the U.S.


“A campaign contribution from a representative of a state which sponsors attacks on Israel’s citizens is troubling to Americans,” Hunter said in a press release. “Why is Palestine supporting the election of Campa-Najjar? Obviously, the contribution of a state leader is a signal to Palestinians to join Najjar’s campaign. Najjar should return the money.”


The 50th congressional district is normally a safe Republican seat. However, the became more competitive when Hunter and his wife were indicted this summer on charges of misusing campaign funds. Hunter protests his innocence.


Campa-Najjar told Breitbart News, via e-mail from his spokesman: “Hunter needs to focus less on a donor who legally gave me $250 and focus on the $250,000 he took from his donors that he illegally used to fund a lavish lifestyle.”


Campa-Najjar is the son of another Palestinian diplomat, Yasser Najjar, who represented the Palestine Liberation Organization in Norway, Iceland, and Albania, according to his LinkedIn profile.


Campa-Najjar’s paternal grandfather was “Muhammad Yousef al-Najjar, a senior member of the Palestinian terrorist group Black September that murdered 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics,” the Times of Israel reported in February. Campa-Najjar has condemned his grandfather’s actions.

Anonymous ID: fc00a3 Oct. 12, 2018, 10:30 a.m. No.3452558   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2567 >>2595 >>2637

123 missing Michigan children recovered during 1-day operation



DETROIT, Mich. (RELEASE) The U.S. Marshals Service - Detroit Missing Child Recovery Unit, U.S. Marshals Service Sex Offender Investigations Branch, Michigan State Police and law enforcement officers from Wayne County agencies participated in Operation MISafeKid, a missing juvenile sweep to identify and recover missing children from the area with an emphasis on locating victims of sex trafficking.


The one-day initiative took place Sept. 26 throughout Wayne County. The USMS DMCRU coordinated with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, HUD-OIG, Detroit Police Department and the Michigan State Police and investigated missing child case files prior to the operation. Participating officers were given the case files and began investigating their whereabouts by visiting last known addresses, friend’s homes and schools in hopes of finding them in a safe place.


Out of 301 files of missing children, 123 were identified and recovered safely during the operation. All 123 children were physically located and interviewed – standard protocol for the Michigan State Police. All of the children located were interviewed about potentially being sexually victimized or used in a sex trafficking ring during their period of time that they were deemed missing. Three cases were identified as being possible sex trafficking cases, and one homeless teen was transported back to the command post after it was discovered that he had not had anything to eat in three days. He was then debriefed and turned over to Child Protective Services for aftercare.


This is the first time an operation of this kind has been conducted in Wayne County. USMS DMCRU was requested to assist on 30 missing child cases two weeks prior to the sweep. These cases were adopted by the U.S. Marshals Service and assigned to deputy U.S. marshals. DMCRU located and recovered nine children prior to the sweep and an additional seven during the operation. The Michigan State Police Clearing House has asked for continued assistance on the remaining 14 cases. Additionally, information was obtained by DMCRU on two missing children in Texas and one in Minnesota. DMCRU has been requested to assist on these recoveries and is actively investigating them at this time.


The Eastern District of Michigan is fully committed to assisting state and local agencies with locating and recovering missing children and the prevention of their falling victim to sex trafficking. The Detroit Missing Child Recovery Unit is tasked with investigating and recovering missing children upon request by a law enforcement agency currently attempting to locate a missing child. The message to the missing children and their families that we wish to convey is that we will never stop looking for you.


Agencies involved in the operation included the USMS Detroit DMCRU (SOIB), Michigan State Police, Allen Park Police Department, Canton Police Department, Dearborn Heights Police Department, Detroit Police Department, Detroit Public Schools Police Department, FBI, Flat Rock Police Department, Inkster Police Department, Northville Township Police Department, Plymouth Police Department, Redford Township Police Department, Riverview Police Department, Romulus Police Department, Trenton Police Department, Van Buren Township Police Department, Wayne Police Department, Wayne County Sheriff’s Department as well as the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and its Children’s Protective Services (CPS) and Vista Maria Juvenile Detention Center.

Anonymous ID: fc00a3 Oct. 12, 2018, 10:36 a.m. No.3452618   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2640

Censorship crackdown? Top 10 alt-media pages newly banned by Facebook & Twitter


PAGE: The Anti-Media



ABOUT: Initially launched on Facebook by blogger and entrepreneur Nick Bernabe, the Anti-Media is now an independent news aggregator with a hefty amount of followers. The group, which poses as “non-partisan” and “anti-establishment,” publishes loads of “mainstream” stories, including ones dealing with the UN report about a number of civilian casualties in Afghanistan, the Tesla crisis, and Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.




PAGE: Police the Police



ABOUT: A page dedicated to exposing US police brutality. The name of the group is apparently inspired by heated discussions following the recent string of deadly shootings by police officers across the country. People on social media, critics and analysts wonder who will regulate police where there is evidence of misconduct.




PAGE: Filming Cops



ABOUT: Started in 2010, the blogging service’s moto is “Declare War on Police Brutality.” It has been documenting police abuse ever since. It insists that it is not demonizing officers, but is trying to report on “state-monopolized police brutality,” which it says is ignored by mainstream media.




PAGE: Nation In Distress



ABOUT: The group’s page on Facebook and information about it is blocked. It allegedly posted images and memes praising Donald Trump and attacking Democrats. The page also reportedly claimed to be the first online publication to have endorsed Trump.




PAGE: Cop Block



ABOUT: A police accountability project launched by libertarian Pete Eyre and blogger Ademo Freeman in 2010. The group’s activists insist that police badges don’t grant extra rights and attempt to draw attention to police brutality across the US.




PAGE: Policing the Police



ABOUT: Another Police accountability page which was active only on Facebook




PAGE: Cop Logic



ABOUT: The project claims to be highlighting and documenting “the absurd and unpredictable antics of cops” across the globe.




PAGE: Press for Truth



ABOUT: An independent media outlet which claims to produce content rarely covered by mainstream media. Notably, a day before being banned, it released a story by the project’s investigative journalist, Dan Dicks, who compared Google Hub and Facebook Portal to George Orwell’s 1984 dystopia.



Anonymous ID: fc00a3 Oct. 12, 2018, 10:43 a.m. No.3452687   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You can but even if you put there name in full they are a few pages back and usually have snopes or other 'fact checker' sites saying the are debunked or fake.

Anonymous ID: fc00a3 Oct. 12, 2018, 10:48 a.m. No.3452730   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Walmart Has An Incredibly Creepy Cart Patent To Monitor Your Biometric Data


Walmart has a totally creepy idea to monitor your biometric data, pulse, and location from the sensors on a shopping cart handle, Motherboard reported.


Walmart recently applied for a patent that details biometric shopping handles that can track a customer’s heart rate, palm temperature, grip, and how fast the cart is being pushed.


The patent titled “System And Method For A Biometric Feedback Cart Handle” published August 23rd, details a cart with sensors in it that would then send data to a server. That server would then notify store employees to check on individual customers.


The company has yet to clarify the use-cases of such a patented cart besides creepy privacy-invasive technology. However, it can be assumed that some of these cart features would be for customer safety and anti-theft measures.


More specifically, imagine there is a shoplifter and the person’s description is partially known but associates seem to have lost them in the store. If the shoplifter was using this cart with biometric data and location data employees would be able to quickly locate the perpetrator.


Other features of the cart include a pulse oximeter, and a weight-triggered assisted push innovation to allow the cart to move somewhat with automation.


That doesn’t mean that this high-tech cart is a good idea. The problem is that all customer data would be retained without any form of regulation denoting what Walmart can and can’t do with the data.


This news comes as hundreds of retail stores — and soon thousands — are investigating using biometric facial recognition software FaceFirst to build a database of shoplifters to aid in the fight against theft, Activist Post reported.


However, facial recognition technology currently has a lot of problems. Activist Post recently reportedhow Amazon’s own facial “Rekognition” software erroneously and hilariously identified 28 members of Congress as people who have been arrested for crimes.


Activist Post previously reported on another test of facial recognition technology in Britain which resulted in 35 false matches and 1 erroneous arrest. So the technology is demonstrated to be far from foolproof.


The fact that hundreds of retail stores want facial recognition technology is a scary thought. But now Walmart wanting our biometric data is an even scarier prospect.


Increasingly our rights are decreasing with the help of big corporations like Amazon and Walmart. Our privacy is disappearing at an alarming rate in trade for convenience.


As previously written, “we are entering the Minority Report; there is no going back after this technology is public and citizens are indoctrinated that it’s ‘for their safety.’”


At that point, we are officially trading liberty and privacy for security. As Benjamin Franklin said, “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”


The scariest thought is Walmart and other retail stores are consistently hacked. If these corporations are storing individuals’ biometric data, one has to wonder how secure their systems are to protect customers’ recorded biometrics.