Anonymous ID: 41092f Oct. 12, 2018, 11:05 a.m. No.3452883   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3029

Deep state, Oh deep state, we have seen through your plans,

As you tried lead us to slaughter, like blind unthinking lambs.

The spell has been broken, and we're now amassing our army,

No more lies or deception, no more Strzok fucking smarmy.


The playbook is battered & tattered, each tactic broken, worn out,

The mob has been revealed, it's just controlled scream and shout.

Astroturfing protesters, who could once work hard for your cause,

Will find time in state prisons, when it's time to enforce the laws.


We'll troll you, we'll troll you, 'cause we that know trolling is fun,

The dank meme and slick graphic, can hit harder than gun.

Information is free, and will never be controlled or subverted.

We'll keep pumping it out, so your planned world war is averted.


All your secrets are known, and anons here are willing to share,

Through social media, and backchannels, away from MSM glare.

The clown controlled TV, anons will work in earnest to dismantle,

Using nothing but Truth, and hard facts, to push forth our mantle.


This swelling anon movement, will not be diverted or shaken,

With each tweet and each graphic, more normies we awaken.

You can't kill anonymous, because it's just an idea, without form,

Nebulous and indistinct, but it will be surely bring forth the storm.


Muh new world order is busted, Rothschild cries in all publications,

They stopped believing our lies, they want back their own nations.

Their ship is taking on water, they scramble and cling to the rigging.

While anons sit here comfy, and continue their incessant digging.


No deals, there's no deals, for all satanic baphomet slaves,

While anons dig into your lives, Q team is digging your graves.

The scaffolds will be built, and anons think that is just groovy,

As you dance through the trapdoor, it's best part of the movie.


The sheep are awaking, and it'll soon be conspiracy no more.

As we tear down your illusions, and throw them onto to the floor.

We see crimes you committed, we know you murdered Seth Rich,

Well there's a storm coming ,called karma, and karma's a bitch.


Thank you BO/BV's, Anons, Bakers, Autists, Memetic alchemists, Planefags, Clockfags and Twatter warriors.




~ Britanon o7.