Anonymous ID: 4fc3a1 Oct. 12, 2018, 11:59 a.m. No.3453306   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3324 >>3327 >>3366 >>3418 >>3473 >>3505 >>3558

To address the accusation that we've been deleting your posts by this anon >>3450514 (pb) :

>I posted this in bread 4361

Wrong. You posted in #4362. It's right here. >>3440713 (pb)

>Saw another individual who was making memes of Kanye's cellphone, so I went back to get the larger pic of that image and posted it as a reply to that anon.

>The very next occurrence of this image (after searching breads all the way up to this post) is this meme in bread 4365:

>Even the anon I was responding to has been deleted.

>What the fuck BO?

Wrong again. The anon you replied to is here >>3444353 (pb) and your post is here >>3444364 (pb) in bread #4367.

I'm explaining this to you here and now rather than the META thread. We have nothing to hide. We didn't delete any of your posts. >>3450634 (pb) , >>3450638 (pb) , >>3450881 (pb).


>>3450803 , >>3451257

Before you go accusing 8chan of being more comped than halfchan and me of being a democrat because you think we're deleting your shitposts, maybe you should learn how to navigate the breads like everyone else. Carry on.