Anonymous ID: 696532 Oct. 12, 2018, 12:21 p.m. No.3453498   🗄️.is 🔗kun


(((Ron Unz))) is controlled opposition, and so are (((you))). You come on here every day to shit up the bread with 10-20 mockingbird news stories, shriek at bakers if they're not all included, and cry to BO when you don't get your way. Why would an independent research organization with free speech and a public voice that goes around the MSM to their own primary sources be such a threat?

We see you. The goyim know.


Ron Unz is one of the relatively small number of jews who is mistaken as a “conservative”, in part because he was the publisher, until recently, of The American Conservative. As typical for jews, Unz doesn’t constrain himself to the usual left-right dichotomy.


Last year Unz wrote The Myth of American Meritocracy. In it he notes:


elite college admissions policy often consists of ethnic warfare waged by other means, or even that it could be summarized as a simple Leninesque question of “Who, Whom?”


His analysis distinguished jews from Whites (as “non-jewish whites”), but focused mainly on Asians (as “the new jews”). Given his anti-White attitudes, detailed below, this was likely an inoculative effort aimed at replacing more direct complaints on behalf of Whites.


Unz’s participation in a recent non-debate about immigration provided a window into the kind of discussions which take place amongst the thoroughly judaized anti-White elite. Here, as usual, Unz comes across as “conservative” only in that he expresses more concern than the other participants to prevent a backlash against that elite:


The reason America in its history, largely avoided the disastrous political results of many European countries is that every decade Americans were wealthier and better off than they were before. That’s no longer true today. And it’s no longer been true for 40 years now. Allowing an unlimited number of impoverished foreign workers to come to the United States would obviously make that situation incredibly much worse. And the result would be an economic disaster.


It’s true that possibly 1 percent or 2 percent or even 5 percent of Americans would benefit tremendously from that change. But probably 90 percent of the American population would suffer economically. And they are the people who vote. They are the people who can protest. And their views would certainly be made known. And the result would be tremendous political backlash. We have to ask ourselves whether one reason for many of the problems we’ve had in the last few decades economically is because the glorification, the amplification of theoretical concepts that may look very good to pure economic theorists, people basically spend their time in the ivory tower, but don’t understand that ordinary workers suffer when their incomes don’t rise for 40 years.


The apoplectic response of the south Asian immigrant (whose main concern is that America remain open to south Asian immigrants, even though he says they don’t really want to come and the internet makes it unnecessary) was to misinterpret Unz as speaking in favor of the Whites they both see as their enemies, “these Tea Party anti-immigrant people who [go] around creating fear about the billions who are going to invade America and take away our jobs”.


Twenty years ago Unz was campaigning to become governor of California, posing as a “conservative” while making the ridiculous argument that the state would be bankrupted not by immigrants but by the effort to cut off benefits to those immigrants. As he demogogued in the Los Angeles Times in 1994:


Most Californians view illegal immigrants as unwanted house guests. One very effective means of getting rid of such guests is to set your house on fire and burn it to the ground. This is Proposition 187′s solution to illegal immigration. It would be a financial and social disaster for California, and the worst moral disaster for our state since the internment of Japanese Americans. No decent Californian should support it.


Proposition 187 passed but was never enforced. The will of a majority of California’s Whites, including my family, was ultimately nullified by a single judge. As I’ve noted before, Governor Pete Wilson warned that immigration would bankrupt the state. It did.


For that Wilson is nowadays demonized. Though Unz-like disdain for Whites and White political interests has gone mainstream, Unz himself continues to dissimulate, posing as a rebel. His new website, The Unz Review: A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media, includes a reposting of his cover story for Commentary, the neocon journal of the American Jewish Committee, in late 1999. California and the End of White America begins

Anonymous ID: 696532 Oct. 12, 2018, 12:27 p.m. No.3453558   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3594





You have to balance the value of ignoring/dismissing baseless accusations and the need to defend your good name w/detailed facts if it's being publicly slandered. (((They))) will always accuse you of choosing the wrong strategy, no matter which you choose, bc double-binds are their best way to trap you. Effective leaders/strategists tend to pick the right remedy at the right time, though. It's why BO has such staying power and trust among the autists.