Anonymous ID: 710148 Oct. 12, 2018, 11:18 a.m. No.3452990   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The 1948 Democrat Party Platform stated:


" President Truman, by granting immediate recognition to Israel, led the world in extending friendship and welcome to a people who have long sought and justly deserve freedom and independence.


… We pledge full recognition to the State of Israel.


We affirm our pride that the United States under the leadership of President Truman played a leading role in the adoption of the resolution of November 29, 1947, by the United Nations General Assembly for the creation of a Jewish State.


We approve the claims of the State of Israel to the boundaries set forth in the United Nations resolution of November 29th and consider that modifications thereof should be made only if fully acceptable to the State of Israel.


We look forward to the admission of the State of Israel to the United Nations and its full participation in the international community of nations.


We pledge appropriate aid to the State of Israel in developing its economy and resources.


We favor the revision of the arms embargo to accord to the State of Israel the right of self-defense."–Middle-East-History-after-World-War-I—II.html?soid=1108762609255&aid=iDlDJu0tycg