Anonymous ID: 8bf685 Oct. 12, 2018, 11:11 a.m. No.3452925   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3450515 (pb)


SV Anon here. I'm actually 90% convinced that every massively successful SF startup is just a money laundering scheme. Have $100mil dirty money, $5mil clean money, use clean money to invest, use dirty money to boost valuation of investment, boom $5 mil clean money can become $200 mil clean money and you use up all your dirty money. Super genius


RE: Dropbox = I was just thinking the other day that DBox was used to share CP and more. In the early days it was actually a dream come true file sharing, if a file was already uploaded they just checked a hash and if they had it already uploaded it was just automagically shared.


Interesting that we've got Arash digs tho…I would assume Drew would have more interesting digs. My understanding is that he was the source for fake IDs in school (really good ones), which is some balls unless you know it doesn't matter if you get caught and you're already pretty comfortable with crime.

Anonymous ID: 8bf685 Oct. 12, 2018, 11:17 a.m. No.3452977   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2996


She's slavic right? Slavic people are actually almost all uber-polyglots, far more so than most of Europe. This map only has Slovenia (home of FLOTUS!), but the rest are probably uberglots as well. They all now Russian since they're former Soviet Bloc, they know english cuz Merica, Gemran cuz Europe, French cuz it's classy, and Italian cuz it's right there. And then they have their native tongues and the nearby ones. 5 languages is impressive though.