Anonymous ID: 9992d8 Oct. 12, 2018, 12:18 p.m. No.3453471   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3496 >>3513 >>3547


>Chronic Pain

I am a sufferer. 20+ years from severe nerve damage from a car accident I should not have survived. The problem is not the pain meds. It is the non informed patient who is put on them, and then the Dr.'s who keep uping the strength of the drugs until the patient is addicted.

Been on the same dose all this time. One step above asprin. But Obama passed law that took this dose and made it a "Class 4 opiate" which is same as herion. Not good. I knew going in about the drug, so I have been the one to watch myself and limit my own medication intake.

Start educating people on the hazzards of the drug as they are prescribed. That's where you start, not restricting it even more from those who need it just to function and live half normal lives, and the DR.'s who keep uping dosages. I am not "pain free". But I can function. My Dr. drugs tests me randomly 2-3 times a year to make sure I am taking the drug and not selling them. The dose I get…haha…I could not give away it is so low in pain relief.

Education anons…Education.