Anonymous ID: f0b404 Oct. 12, 2018, 11:03 a.m. No.3452867   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3287 >>3562

UK government waging aggressive anti-Russia campaign, says ambassador


According to the Russian diplomat, the British authorities are refusing to cooperate with Moscow


LONDON, October 12. /TASS/. The UK government is conducting an aggressive anti-Russian campaign which is supported by the British mass media, Russian Ambassador to the United Kingdom Alexander Yakovenko said on Friday.


"Currently the relations between Russia and the UK are at a very low level. The reason for that lies in an aggressive anti-Russian campaign launched by the current Tory government and supported by the British media," he told a news conference. "Throughout recent months the Conservative government has been acting in a completely unconstructive way by breaching multiple bilateral and international agreements."


According to the Russian diplomat, the British authorities are refusing to cooperate with Moscow on the probe to both the Salisbury incident and the murder of Russia businessman Nikolai Glushkov.


"Bilateral high-level political dialogue is currently frozen," he stressed, adding that it was done by the British government.


If the British version of the affair is to be believed former Russian military intelligence (GRU) Colonel Sergei Skripal, 66, who had been convicted in Russia of spying for Great Britain and later swapped for Russian intelligence officers, and his daughter Yulia, 33, suffered the effects of a nerve agent in the British city of Salisbury on March 4. Claiming that the substance used in the attack had been a Novichok-class nerve agent developed in the Soviet Union, London rushed to accuse Russia of being involved in the incident. Moscow rejected all of the United Kingdom’s accusations, saying that neither the Soviet Union nor Russia ever had any program aimed at developing such an agent.



Anonymous ID: f0b404 Oct. 12, 2018, 11:05 a.m. No.3452879   🗄️.is 🔗kun

“Good” Bombing: NATO Op Against Yugoslavia Was a War Crime: Christopher Black


ens Stoltenberg’s claim that NATO “protected” Yugoslavia from the government of Slobodan Milosevic is nothing but propaganda, Christopher C. Black, a Toronto-based international criminal lawyer told Sputnik, stressing that NATO had no legal reason to attack Yugoslavia and de facto committed a war crime against the sovereign nation.


“The NATO attack on Yugoslavia has nothing whatsoever to do with protecting anyone since the claims made by NATO against the government of Yugoslavia were false and were just a pretext for their aggression,” says Christopher C. Black, a Toronto-based international criminal lawyer with 20 years of experience in war crimes and international relations.


Black’s comment comes in response to a statement made by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg who told Serbia’s RTS:


“We are aware in NATO that many people in Serbia still have bad memories about the bombing, the airstrikes in 1999. I stress that we did this to protect civilians and stop the Milosevic regime,” the NATO chief said.


“NATO countries had no legal right to bomb anyone for any reason as that is a violation of international law, the UN Charter, Nuremberg Principles etc.,” the scholar underscored. “Their attack was aggression and therefore a war crime and they committed war crimes during the attack.”


The NATO military campaign against sovereign Yugoslavia codenamed Operation Allied Force kicked off amid the Kosovo war (February, 1998 — June, 1999) between the country’s government forces and Albanian separatists. The alliance’s 78-day air raids resulted in 5,700 civilian deaths, infrastructural damages and contamination of the part of the region with depleted uranium.

Anonymous ID: f0b404 Oct. 12, 2018, 11:14 a.m. No.3452952   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pakistan Voices Opposition to Russia's S-400 Sale to India


Since their partition in 1947, India and Pakistan have fought three wars, two over the Kashmir region, which both countries claim as their own.


Pakistan is opposed to the deal for the delivery of Russian S-400 air defense missile systems to India, the country’s Foreign Ministry said.


"We are opposed to any arms race in South Asia and have been proposing measures for promoting restraint in both the nuclear and conventional dominos," Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Faisal told reporters during his weekly media briefing.


He added that countries supplying arms to India should make sure that such deliveries do not upset the existing balance of forces in the region.


"We cannot remain oblivious to these developments and are firmly committed to maintaining credible minimum deterrence by taking any measure necessary," Faisal emphasized.


India and Russia signed a contract for the sale of the S-400 air defense system on October 5 during President Vladimir Putin's visit to New Delhi.


India has deemed the purchase as necessary for national security, while hoping for a waiver under the punitive Countering America's Adversaries through Sanctions Act (CAATSA).


Relations between the neighboring countries went into a tailspin after India accused Pakistan of harboring gunmen who killed 19 Indian soldiers in Jammu and Kashmir in September 2016.


Islamabad has rejected the claim.


The two sides continue to accuse each other of frequent ceasefire violations along the de facto border in Kashmir, a territory that both countries claim as their own.


Since their partition in 1947, India and Pakistan have fought three wars — in 1948, 1965 and 1971 — two over the Himalayan region of Kashmir, which has been a flashpoint of tensions between the two countries for over six decades.

Anonymous ID: f0b404 Oct. 12, 2018, 11:18 a.m. No.3452989   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3002 >>3562

Rap Sheet: 594 Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters


When not calling Trump supporters “Nazis” as a means to dehumanize us, the establishment media like to whine about the lack of civility in American politics, even as they cover up, ignore, downplay, or straight-up approve of the wave of violence and public harassment we are seeing against supporters of President Trump.


It is open season on Trump supporters, and the media is only fomenting, encouraging, excusing, and hoping for more… The media are now openly calling Trump supporters “Nazis” and are blaming Trump for a mass murder he had nothing to do with. This, of course, is a form of harassment because it incites and justifies mob violence.


Here is the list, so far, and remember that if any one of these things happened to a Democrat, the media would use the story to blot out the sun for weeks. Remember how crazy the media went over a nobody rodeo clown who wore an Obama mask, a GOP staffer who criticized Obama’s daughters? And yet, hundreds of Trump supporters are harassed and brutalized and the media only dutifully report them, if at all. That is because the media are desperate to normalize and justify violence and harassment against Trump and his supporters.


And while the media openly encourage this violence against us, the media also campaign to disarm us, to take away our Second Amendment right to defend ourselves.


This list will be updated as needed. Back-filling it will be an ongoing project…


Here is a video channel dedicated to documenting the dozens and dozens of assaults against Trump supporters.


A few samples in images. Full list in link

Anonymous ID: f0b404 Oct. 12, 2018, 11:25 a.m. No.3453042   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3498

American Pravda: The Nature of Anti-Semitism


I recently published a couple of long essays, and although they primarily focused on other matters, the subject of anti-Semitism was a strong secondary theme. In that regard, I mentioned my shock at discovering a dozen or more years ago that several of the most self-evidently absurd elements of anti-Semitic lunacy, which I had always dismissed without consideration, were probably correct. It does seem likely that a significant number of traditionally-religious Jews did indeed occasionally commit the ritual murder of Christian children in order to use their blood in certain religious ceremonies, and also that powerful Jewish international bankers did play a large role in financing the establishment of Bolshevik Russia.


When one discovers that matters of such enormous moment not only apparently occurred but that they had been successfully excluded from nearly all of our histories and media coverage for most of the last one hundred years, the implications take some time to properly digest. If the most extreme “anti-Semitic canards” were probably true, then surely the whole notion of anti-Semitism warrants a careful reexamination.


All of us obtain our knowledge of the world by two different channels. Some things we discover from our own personal experiences and the direct evidence of our senses, but most information comes to us via external sources such as books and the media, and a crisis may develop when we discover that these two pathways are in sharp conflict. The official media of the old USSR used to endlessly trumpet the tremendous achievements of its collectivized agricultural system, but when citizens noticed that there was never any meat in their shops, “Pravda” became a watchword for “Lies” rather than “Truth.”


Now consider the notion of “anti-Semitism.” Google searches for that word and its close variants reveal over 24 million hits, and over the years I’m sure I’ve seen that term tens of thousands of times in my books and newspapers, and heard it endlessly reported in my electronic media and entertainment. But thinking it over, I’m not sure that I can ever recall a single real-life instance I’ve personally encountered, nor have I heard of almost any such cases from my friends or acquaintances. Indeed, the only persons I’ve ever come across making such claims were individuals who bore unmistakable signs of serious psychological imbalance. When the daily newspapers are brimming with lurid tales of hideous demons walking among us and attacking people on every street corner, but you yourself have never actually seen one, you may gradually grow suspicious.


Indeed, over the years some of my own research has uncovered a sharp contrast between image and reality. As recently as the late 1990s, leading mainstream media outlets such as The New York Times were still denouncing a top Ivy League school such as Princeton for the supposed anti-Semitism of its college admissions policy, but a few years ago when I carefully investigated that issue in quantitative terms for my lengthy Meritocracy analysis I was very surprised to reach a polar-opposite conclusion. According to the best available evidence, white Gentiles were over 90% less likely to be enrolled at Harvard and the other Ivies than were Jews of similar academic performance, a truly remarkable finding. If the situation had been reversed and Jews were 90% less likely to be found at Harvard than seemed warranted by their test scores, surely that fact would be endlessly cited as the absolute smoking-gun proof of horrendous anti-Semitism in present-day America.


It has also become apparent that a considerable fraction of what passes for “anti-Semitism” these days seems to stretch that term beyond all recognition. A few weeks ago an unknown 28-year-old Democratic Socialist named Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez scored a stunning upset primary victory over a top House Democrat in New York City, and naturally received a blizzard of media coverage as a result. However, when it came out that she had denounced the Israeli government for its recent massacre of over 140 unarmed Palestinian protesters in Gaza, cries of “anti-Semite” soon appeared, and according to Google there are now over 180,000 such hits combining her name and that harsh accusatory term. Similarly, just a few days ago the New York Times ran a major story reporting that all of Britain’s Jewish newspapers had issued an “unprecedented” denunciation of Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party, describing it as an “existential threat” to the Jewish community for the anti-Semitism it was fostering; but this apparently amounted to nothing more than its willingness to sharply criticize the Israeli government for its long mistreatment of the Palestinians.



Anonymous ID: f0b404 Oct. 12, 2018, 11:39 a.m. No.3453156   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3159



Accuse the other side of what you yourself are actually doing!


US Officials Say Russia To "Seize" Syria's Oilfields As Moscow Presses Europe On Reconstruction

Russia is attempting to woo European countries like Germany into a program of reconstruction cooperation in Syria, where broad swathes of the country have been destroyed through seven years of grinding proxy war; however, Pentagon officials have charged Russia with wanting to "seize" Syria's oil and gas resources.

This comes as the United States has resolved to keep its over 2,000 troops in the east of Syria while vowing zero reconstruction aid so long as Iranian troops and advisers are present in the country. This week a top US military official even went so far as to accuse Russia of seeking "to take advantage in any way they could" and that a "great power competition" for Syria will continue to shape its post-war future.

Air Force Brig. Gen. Leah Lauderback, who served as director of intelligence for Operation Inherent Resolve until June, told an Army conference that “Great power competition was an objective by Russia,” and that specifically they are looking to "seize" oilfields in Syria. But a Russian official has slammed the US and Europe as living in a "fantasy land" if they still have removal of Assad on the table as "radicals will take over that will slit people’s throats’’ should regime change happen.

Rest of article image 1 & 2


US Trying to Create Quasi-State East of Euphrates With Help of Allies – Moscow

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated that Washington was keeping the situation in Syria tense, so no-one can be certain of what happens next, adding that this kind of strategies "never ended up well".

According to the Russian minister, the US aims to use its allies in order to create a quasi-state east of the Euphrates River, establishing illegal structures in the region.

“To the east of the Euphrates river, there are vast lands where absolutely unacceptable things happen. The US is trying to use these territories through their Syrian allies, particularly, the Kurds, in order to create a quasi-state there,” he stated.

Rest of article image 3


2017 article East of Euphrates, The Capture of Oil Fields in Syria. US Support to SDF Kurdish Forces

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) reported on September 15, 2017, on capturing one of the latest ISIS-stronghold in Syria, Al-Mayadin. The area of Al-Amar oil field was designated as a possible next direction of advance then. However, the Islamists damaged river crossing facilities in two points while retreating. This made it difficult to implement the scenario.

With the support of the U.S. Kurdish military wing of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) took advantage of SAA’s confusion and have established control over al-Amar on September 22, 2017, themselves. According to various Syrian media, the U.S. SOF in concert with the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) even organized the transferring of ISIS-fighters from Raqqa towards al-Amar to achieve a 100% result.

It seems that the importance of the largest oil and gas field is beyond controversy. For example, the Jihadists were pumping out at least 25 thousand barrels of oil per day. The forthcoming outcome of the war in Syria and the negotiation position of the sides directly depend on the number of oilfields captured by the various sides. In this regard, a question arises on possible strategic initiatives of Kurds (the U.S. in fact) and of the Syrian Government in the struggle for oil and gas fields to the East of Euphrates.

To deliberately avoid giving publicity of the U.S. participation in this struggle, most of the top American media stubbornly report that the American leadership has no long-term strategic plan after Raqqa to be liberated from ISIS. However, it seems to be another fake.

Rest Image 4 & 5

Anonymous ID: f0b404 Oct. 12, 2018, 11:48 a.m. No.3453228   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3562

Vandals Smash Windows, Deface Doors of Metropolitan Republican Club in Manhattan


Vandals targeted the Metropolitan Republican Club in Manhattan on Thursday evening in an apparent politically-motivated intimidation campaign.


In exclusive statements to Breitbart News, officials with the Metropolitan Republican Club said Antifa had been trying to shut down their event on Friday evening with conservative pundit Gavin McInnes.


According to one official, members of Antifa had harassed the online ticket vendor Eventbrite, which the GOP Metropolitan Club used to sell tickets for the McInnes event at their headquarters.


The official said Antifa had “desperately” been trying to get the Metropolitan Republican Club to cancel the McInnes speech. The group’s latest attempt came shut down the event involved vandalising the club’s 1930s, pre-war building and leaving a threatening letter, which Breitbart News has obtained.

Anonymous ID: f0b404 Oct. 12, 2018, 11:55 a.m. No.3453268   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Left-wing media, entertainment elites panic to censor new abortion film “Gosnell: America’s Biggest Serial Killer”


(Natural News) censIn May 2013, following a two-month trial and two weeks of deliberation, a jury convicted Philadelphia abortionist Dr. Kermit Gosnell on multiple counts of first-degree murder for killing three babies born alive at his westside clinic by severing their spinal cords.


While acquitting him of third-degree murder for the 2009 death of 41-year-old Karnamaya Mongar of Virginia, who died from a drug overdose during an abortion procedure at his clinic, the jury nevertheless found him guilty of a lesser charge of manslaughter. He was given three life sentences.


The Washington Post reported at the time:


Gosnell, in a dark suit and a maroon shirt, furrowed his brow and shook his head slightly but remained stoic when the verdicts were read in a packed Philadelphia courtroom just before 3 p.m. One juror appeared to cry. Prosecutors smiled in relief and later hugged colleagues.


The jury also acquitted him of murder in the death of another infant, known as Baby E, whom prosecutors had struggled to prove was alive after delivery. Judge Jeffrey P. Minehart previously dismissed three additional first-degree murder charges against Gosnell, each involving other infants.


Before the trial prosecutors were fairly certain that Gosnell had killed many more babies than he was charged for, but they simply did not have enough proof, so they didn’t pursue additional charges. When it was all said and done, however, they came to believe that Gosnell was one of America’s biggest serial killers.


Now, a new film set for release tells this grisly story, including how arrogant Gosnell was during the investigation and subsequent trial. And while the movie doesn’t take a hard pro-life stance – it’s not political – the Left is nevertheless terrified of the impression it will leave in the minds of millions of Americans who see it, especially now that there is a rock-solid conservative majority on the Supreme Court.


As such, the usual suspects – big tech, the mainstream media, and the Left-wing entertainment industry – are doing all they can to censor the movie, “Gosnell: America’s Biggest Serial Killer,” because, you know, they’re all about the First Amendment when it isn’t being used to skewer one of the Left’s sacred cows.


As Infowars notes, Facebook has already refused to allow filmmakers to advertise the film on their platform. And one of the more popular crowdfunding sites, Kickstarter, have refused them as well. In addition, National Public Radio (which is taxpayer-funded) also refused to carry ads for the film.


NPR’s problem with the ads? They won’t allow filmmakers to call Gosnell two things that honestly and truthfully describe him: An “abortionist” and a “murderer.”


Besides these censorship efforts, the filmmakers have also been stopped from showing the film in private screenings.


Gosnell's trailor:

Anonymous ID: f0b404 Oct. 12, 2018, 11:58 a.m. No.3453293   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A compound found in many medicinal herbs shown to prevent cancer, blood vessel growth


Angiogenesis, the process of forming new blood vessels, begins even before humans are born. Although important to sustaining life, angiogenesis also plays a significant role in the metastasis or proliferation of cancer cells. Because of this, stopping the process is vital to delaying the progression of cancer. As part of their quest for a safe and universally effective treatment for the disease, researchers seek natural substances that inhibit angiogenesis. Oridonin, a compound found in many medicinal herbs, is one such substance, says a study published in the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine.


The anti-tumor activity of oridonin is well-established, but information regarding its antiangiogenic effects is scarce. The researchers wrote that previous experiments on the compound did indicate its ability to inhibit the growth of capillary networks in tumors.


To test for possible antiangiogenic properties, the researchers conducted an in vitro experiment involving human umbilical vascular endothelial cells (HUVECs) and an in vivo inquiry into the embryonic vasculogenesis and postnatal regeneration of zebrafish.


Endothelial cells make up the endothelium that lines blood vessels. The researchers found that when administered with oridonin, these cells ceased their proliferation, migration, invasion and tube formation. Furthermore, the compound induced apoptosis, the process of normal cellular death. In short, oridonin caused the HUVECs to die out.


In vivo, the administration of oridonin prevented angiogenesis during the embryonic development of zebrafish. Angiogenesis was also inhibited in tail regeneration tests. Analysis showed that the compound reduced the levels of vascular endothelial growth factors, the proteins that stimulate the development of new blood vessels. In contrast, oridonin increased the levels of the gene TP53, which is expressed in the body’s bid to suppress the growth of tumors.


The researchers confirmed the antiangiogenic capabilities of oridonin which give it its antitumor and antimetastatic activities.

Anonymous ID: f0b404 Oct. 12, 2018, 12:02 p.m. No.3453325   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ukrainian Conflict Is About To Escalate Once Again While US Midterm Elections Draw Nearer


The US midterm elections are drawing closer it appears that the Ukrainian conflict shows promise of escalating once again.


On October 11th, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko noted an increase in combat readiness of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to repel Russian aggression.


“Some 39 combat brigades, a number of military units of operational, logistics and technical support have been formed. Groups of forces that are ready to repel aggression on potentially dangerous areas have been created, and not only from the east, but also from the Crimean direction. The troops should be kept ready, including from Transdniester and from the north,” Poroshenko said.


Furthermore, according to him an increase in the aviation fleet and the fleet of anti-aircraft missiles has also strengthened the country’s air defense.


In response, the State Council of the Republic of Crimea claimed that it was the Ukrainian authorities who tried to carry out sabotage in the Crimea.


“Well, what kind of 39 brigades are there? Anyone who is closely following the conflict on the territory associated with the Crimea, understands that all provocations come precisely from the Ukrainian side. It was they who covered the water, the railway communication,” the head of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and the Affairs of Compatriots Leonid Kalashnikov said in an interview with RT.


Despite the ceasefire in Eastern Ukraine, Petroshenko persists that the Ukrainian forces should use all their power and means in the Donbass region. According to Dmitry Abzalov, president of the Center for Strategic Communications “The election agenda in Ukraine is much more important than the Minsk agreements or any obligations to the EU. All this does not matter – thrown into the furnace of the election campaign. Statements by the President of Ukraine primarily focus on the political component.”


Furthermore, the US appears to be turning Ukraine into a proxy foothold against Russia, with large drills being held in Ukraine to defend its “airspace.”


Clear Sky 2018 in Western Ukraine kicked off on October 9th and it centers around air defense operations aimed at “protecting air space from Russian aggression.”


The US Embassy in Ukraine described the event as a “multinational military exercise focusing on promoting peace and security”


A US Air Force statement also said the aim of the exercise is “to enhance regional capabilities to secure air sovereignty and promote peace and security through cooperation.”


Poroshenko, during his announcement of the new brigades, said that he had just finished inspecting the Clear Sky 2018 multinational exercises.


“These are the largest exercises that we have had in the last four years. It has 50 aircraft from all NATO member countries and our Ukrainian air force. The purpose of the exercise is to increase the level of compatibility of our combat aviation with the air forces of the United States of America,” he claimed.