Anonymous ID: 10195a Oct. 12, 2018, 12:42 p.m. No.3453706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3746 >>3838 >>3873 >>3900 >>3934 >>3977 >>4001 >>4039 >>4070 >>4330



Regarding MSM doing stories about the R shills’ easily debunked suggestion that VF is JJ, Q didn’t say who was going to be pushing the conspiracy stories. Looks to me like it’s their way of needling the cabal and making them feel safer than they should, while introducing whatever small red pills they can through one more anti-Trump story that all the sheep will want to read so they can laugh at us silly chan people. If we can stay focused in spite of false news stories about what happens here, then we are in the best company, and playing our roles as “great actors.”

This VF conspiracy story introduces into the public consciousness a laughable (but more than possible) suggestion that JJ might in fact still be alive and part of our wonderful Q team. I was involved in the original move to the “R” board, where research was showing some promising correlations. At that point, the VF shill flew in to spew unending posts with the idea that because VF and JJ both have (differently shaped) noses and other human features, and even though VF looks way older than JJ would look today, somehow VF and his somewhat Carolyn looking friend are JJ and CB.


Our good research about the possibility that JJ faked his death to avoid being killed, and to leave the whole disgusting mess and instead live a simple family life and arrange this intricate Plan with the MI and his dear friend Don was obviously being intentionally compromised by a bunch of VF baloney. At first, I thought the barrage might be coming from Soros type shills and alerted the main research board. But then saw these news stories about the VF silliness as a way to “debunk while informing” the public about the research going on here, where autists would recognize a place worth checking out, and normies who are not ready to open their minds would avoid the Q posts and 8-chan research completely, even if awakened friends told them about it, lest their co-sheep make fun of them for being Q conspiracy theorists.


My current theory is that the whole VF JJ scene was orchestrated by (((ourguys))). Maybe VF is one of those many agents who are in all fields, and was brought on board to create the Trump Van, get covered by a local news story, and be placed with other actors in just the right rally spots for (((ourguys))) to make up a silly conspiracy theory that nevertheless had some intriguing coincidences – specifically to become content for “debunking-informing” news stories, and perhaps to prepare the world for some wonderful surprises on the horizon. Everything in the DM article supports this theory, including the photo of JJ and DJT, with the caption, “In 1996 JFK Jr spoke about Donald Trump running for the presidency one day.”

Anonymous ID: 10195a Oct. 12, 2018, 12:53 p.m. No.3453838   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3977 >>4070




>Looks to me like they think everyone here is insane, which the JFK jr theory kind of is. Maybe we should stick to research


Theorizing is part of research, yes? Regardless, the theory still stands whether or not JFK Jr lives – it is still an intriguing story that gets attention and begins to introduce other possibilities to folks who have been brainwashed by fake news.