Anonymous ID: acd05f Oct. 12, 2018, 12:36 p.m. No.3453637   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4005 >>4228 >>4337



Patriarch Yaziji: Syria is country of peace and coexistence

Greek Orthodox Patriarch John X Yaziji of Antioch and All the East stressed that Syria has been the land of love, peace and coexistence despite the terrorist war it witnesses.

Yaziji made his remarks during his visit to the Syrian Embassy in Serbia on Friday, accompanied by Archbishop of Peć, Metropolitan of Belgrade and Serbia Irenaeus.

Patriarch Yaziji affirmed the need to convey the reality of what is going on in Syria away from the misleading propaganda circulated by some western media outlets.

He pointed out that the war was launched on Syria “under false titles, concepts and slogans.”


Scores of Daesh killed in army’s operations in Sweida Badyia

Units of the Syrian Arab Army enhanced deployment points deep in the rocky cliffs adjacent to al-Safa hills in Sweida eastern Badyia (desert), inflicting heavy losses on Daesh (ISIS) ranks and equipment.

SANA’s reporter in Sweida said that army units continued their military operations agaisnt Daesh movements and fortified positions in the rocky cliffs area as the army’s artillery and warplanes directed intensive strikes against Daesh, destroying their fortified points, dens, arms and munitions.


U.S. Sends Another Batch Of Military Aid To Kurdish Forces In Syria: 30 Armored Vehicles And Loads Of Ammunition

The US-led coalition has sent 30 armored vehicles and 300 trucks loaded with ammunition to the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in northeastern Syria, Kurdish activists familiar with the situation revealed on October 10.


Turkish-Backed Militants Destroy Army Buldozer In Demilitarized Zone Near Aleppo City

The attack is a clear violation of the Russian-Turkish deconfliction agreement as the militants’ positions near Aleppo are considered a part of the demilitarized zone around the governorate of Idlib. While the militants are allowed to deploy ATGMs within the zone, any military operation there are strictly forbidden.

This was not the first time the NFL violates the deconfliction agreement. A day earlier, the Turkish-backed group shelled civilian districts inside the city of Aleppo with mortars. The Turkish military announced earlier that all heavy weapons, including mortar canons, have been withdrawn from the demilitarized zone.


With Support From Russia, Syrian Army Prepares To Launch New Attack In Al-Safa – Report

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA), local fighters, and former fighters of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) are preparing to launch a new offensive against the remaining ISIS fighters in the heavily fortified area of al-Safa north of the governorate of al-Suwayda, the al-Suwayda 24 blog reported on October 11.

According to the Syria-based blog, Russian forces in Syria will support the upcoming offensive by providing ammunition, reconnaissance and close air support. Furthermore, around 150 locals from al-Safa will be guiding SAA troops through the rough area.


Syrian War Report – October 12, 2018: ‘S-300 Elimination’ Delayed – Israel Grounds F-35 Fleet

Earlier, multiple Israeli experts and even top officials claimed that the IAF may soon employ F-35I jets to challenge S-300 air defense systems, which were recently received by the Syrian military. However, it seems any kind of these actions is now delayed.

The US-led coalition announced in a statement that it and Iraqi security forces had neutralized a key ISIS financial facilitation network during in the Iraqi cities of Baghdad and Erbil in the period from October 7 and October 9.

According to the statement, security forces arrested ten members of the financial network, which is known as the “al-Ray network.” No further details about the detained persons were provided.

“The arrests deal a major blow to ISIS’s capacity to threaten and terrorize civilians … This demonstrates that those who assist in, sponsor, or provide financial, material or technological support to ISIS will face severe consequences,” Major General Patrick B. Roberson, commander of the US-led coalition Special Operation Joint Task Force said in the statement.

Anonymous ID: acd05f Oct. 12, 2018, 12:39 p.m. No.3453671   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3691 >>3695 >>3810

Peter Schiff Explains "What Happens Next" In 47 Words


Outspoken critic of The Fed and one of the few that can see through the endless barrage of bullshit to how this really ends, has laid out in a tweet "what happens next"..


Likely sequence of events:


1. Bear market;


2. Recession;


3. Deficits explode;


4. Return of ZIRP and QE;


5. Dollar tanks;


6. Gold soars;


7. CPI spikes;


8. Long-term rates rise;


9. Fed. forced to hike rates during recession


10. A financial crisis without stimulus or bailouts!



Anonymous ID: acd05f Oct. 12, 2018, 12:42 p.m. No.3453698   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4005 >>4228 >>4337

Armstrong: Independent Audit Exposes The Fraud In Global Warming Data


An independent audit of the key temperature dataset that is being used by climate models has exposed more than 70 problems with the data which render it “unfit for global studies.”


Problems include zero degree temperatures in the Caribbean, 82 degree C temperatures in Colombia and ship-based recordings taken 100km inland.


The audit has concluded that the studies are deliberately exaggerating temperatures to support a theory of global warming utilizing global averages that are far less certain than what is being forecast.


The audit has revealed that “that climate models have been tuned to match incorrect data, which would render incorrect their predictions of future temperatures and estimates of the human influence of temperatures.” Furthermore, the Paris Climate Agreement adopted 1850-1899 averages as “indicative” of pre-industrial temperatures is “fatally flawed.” The entire Paris Climate Agreement has an agenda to eliminate effectively the advancement of society and attempt to reset the clock to the pre-Industrial Revolution. This entire theory that before the Industrial Revolution, our planet’s atmosphere was somehow pristine and uncontaminated by human-made pollutants has been also proven to be completely bogus.


Bubbles trapped in Greenland’s ice has revealed that we began emitting greenhouse gases at least 2,000 years ago. The Romans even constructed the first aqueduct was built in 312 BC because there was a serious problem with water pollution. Seneca (c 4BC-65AD), the adviser to Nero, wrote in 61AD: “No sooner had I left behind the oppressive atmosphere of the city [Rome] and that reek of smoking cookers which pour out, along with clouds of ashes, all the poisonous fumes they’ve accumulated in their interiors whenever they’re started up, than I noticed the change in my condition.”


This new audit argues even the most simple basic quality checks had not been done on the HadCRUT4 data which is managed by the UK Met Office Hadley Centre and the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia. The audit exposed that estimates were made of the uncertainties arising from thermometer accuracy, homogenization, sampling grid boxes with a finite number of measurements available, large-scale biases such as urbanization and estimation of regional averages with non-complete global measurement coverage.


The audit has exposed the dishonesty in this entire scheme and it appears to be directed at the goal of reducing the population. Anomalies it has identified include at St Kitts in the Caribbean, the average temperature for December 1981 was zero degrees, normally it’s 26C. For three months in 1978, one place in Colombia reported an 82 degrees Celsius average – hotter than the hottest day on Earth. Then in Romania, one September the average temperature was reported as minus 46°C, which has never happened. The data showed that supposedly ships would report ocean temperatures from places up to 100km inland. The paper also points out that the most serious flaws identified was the shortage of data. For the first two years, from 1850 onwards, the only land-based reporting station in the Southern Hemisphere was in Indonesia. Then there were ship observations at the time but Australian records had not started until 1855 in Melbourne, behind Auckland which started in 1853. This data appears to have been just made up.


According to the HadCRUT4 calculation of coverage, it was almost 1950 before there was data from even half of the Southern Hemisphere was available. Yet they claim global warming has taken hold for 100 years prior. Then the Paris Climate Agreement takes the HadCRUT4 average from 1850 to 1899 as an “indicative” temperature or pre-Industrial Revolution. There is absolutely no possible way the data set being used to support all this Global Warming is even valid for any forecast.

Anonymous ID: acd05f Oct. 12, 2018, 12:44 p.m. No.3453729   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3778





Hebrews 10:36


36 Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised.

Anonymous ID: acd05f Oct. 12, 2018, 12:44 p.m. No.3453736   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3784





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Anonymous ID: acd05f Oct. 12, 2018, 1:02 p.m. No.3453957   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4020 >>4107

US Woman Calls Cops on Nine-Year-Old She Says ‘Sexually Assaulted' Her (VIDEOS)


A New York woman recently identified as Teresa Klein was filmed calling the cops on a nine-year-old boy this week, accusing him of purposely grabbing her derriere.


Footage of the incident was uploaded onto Facebook by local resident Jason Littlejohn on Wednesday. The recording captures the events that took place in Brooklyn's Flatbush neighborhood after the woman initially called out the unidentified child at a local bodega and then proceeded to call the cops.


"I want the cops here right now," Klein is heard telling the dispatcher in the recording. Within seconds, the accused young man bursts into tears, clinging to his mother in fear. "That's right, her son grabbed my ass, and she decided to yell at me."


As Klein, who's sporting dark aviators and knee-high boots, continues to give her personal information to the local police station, a crowd begins to form outside of the Sahara Deli, imploring her to simply "go home."


While many pedestrians try to comfort the upset child, others kept their attention focused on Klein. "Who would want to touch your flat ass? Get out of here!" one woman says. "Nobody wants to touch your flat ass!"


Despite being told to leave, Klein sticks to her guns, telling authorities that she was "just sexually assaulted by a child." At one point in the recording, another concerned local, wearing a floral blue skirt, comes onto the scene and confronts Klein about her behavior.


"Are you seriously calling the police?" the woman asks Klein. "Go away. What is your problem? I'm calling you out. You seriously just called the police on a child?"


The pair are eventually pulled apart after another nearby local sees their conversation getting a little too heated. Additional footage shared by Littlejohn shows the aftermath of the altercation, with Klein leaving the bodega.



Anonymous ID: acd05f Oct. 12, 2018, 1:09 p.m. No.3454038   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4072

EU Commissioner: UK Welcome to Stay in Bloc, But Must Pay Billions Extra


A senior European Union (EU) Commissioner has said in the “absolutely fabulous” instance Brexit is overturned, the UK can remain in the bloc but without its budget rebate, forcing to pay billions more every year.


Günther Oettinger, the German European Commissioner for Budget and Human Resources, also claimed a Brexit deal was much closer after reports suggested the UK’s Prime Minister is ready to give the EU massive new concessions.


Speaking from the Commission Friday, he said in the “improbable but pleasant case if the UK were to remain… then the gradual exit from the rebate would still be kept”.


He added: “I think [the rebate] is something that is no longer appropriate in a family of 27 [member states].”


The rebate is a financial mechanism that has been in place since 1985, after it was secured by former Tory Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, slashing the UK’s net contribution to the EU.


In 2015, the British treasury estimated the rebate saves the British taxpayer almost £5 billion.


Mr Oettinger also confirmed reports from recent days suggesting progress was being made on the issue of the Irish border after the bloc insisted it cannot be kept open unless the entire UK or Northern Ireland remains locked in the Customs Union.


“It does appear possible there will be a breakthrough,” he said, insisting: “Certainly the way to do this [solve Irish border problem] is being prepared this week and most likely will be presented next week.”


EU leaders have a two-day summit starting Wednesday, and sources have claimed Mrs May will keep the entire UK inside the Customs Union for a potentially unlimited time frame, stopping the nation controlling trade policy.


A Downing Street spokesman said Friday that “The Prime Minister would never agree to a deal which could trap the UK in a backstop permanently” and claimed the “backstop” would be “temporary”.


However, they repeatedly refused to say if there would be a time limit, meaning the Cabinet and MPs could be asked to agree to Mrs May’s Brexit plan without a guarantee of when the UK will take back control of trade.


The spokesman added: “I can’t negotiate the final stages of documents in this room but what I can say is that our position is absolutely that the PM is not going to agree a deal which would trap us in a backstop permanently.”

Anonymous ID: acd05f Oct. 12, 2018, 1:11 p.m. No.3454063   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4148

San Francisco School Board President Scraps Pledge of Allegiance


The new president of the San Francisco school board purposefully skipped the traditional recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of his first meeting, choosing instead to read a quote from poet Maya Angelou.


Stevon Cook had pondered the idea of replacing the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance after his election to lead the school board. Cook replaced the customary pledge with a quote from Angelou: “When you learn, teach. When you get, give.”


“There are a lot of ways to express gratitude and appreciation for the country and its citizens,” Cook said, reports the San Francisco Chronicle. “This is how I plan to do that.”


District spokeswoman Gentle Blythe said that while schools are required to perform a daily patriotic exercise, public school district meetings are not.


“Although there is a requirement that schools conduct a pledge or similar activity, there is no such requirement for school boards,” Blythe said.


Nevertheless, in San Francisco, the Pledge of Allegiance has been the first order of business at school board meetings for decades, reports the Chronicle. As a member of the board, Cook stood for the pledge, but declined to recite the words.


“We should stand for (the pledge) because those ideals are important to me,” he said. “To speak them is another thing.”


Cook added he finds the current national political climate disappointing, and the Trump administration “has been attacking our liberties.”


School board member Rachel Norton said replacing the Pledge of Allegiance with the Maya Angelou quote “feels respectful and it feels thoughtful.”


“Maya Angelou is an alumnus of (San Francisco’s) Washington High School, so who better to start a new tradition?” she explained.


Cook said he will replace the pledge at each meeting with quotes from various inspirational Americans, including writer Toni Morrison, gay rights icon Harvey Milk and novelist James Baldwin.


“I’m not doing it as a way to seek attention,” he said. “I really think that these people are a great testament to our values and who we should aspire to be as Americans.”

Anonymous ID: acd05f Oct. 12, 2018, 1:22 p.m. No.3454199   🗄️.is 🔗kun

War in Syria won’t end while the US remains there – Lavrov to French media


The illegal US presence in Syria is one of the reasons why war there cannot end, especially since Washington is apparently trying to create a quasi-state on the eastern bank of the Euphrates, the Russian foreign minister said.


The pessimistic prediction about the future of Syria came from Sergey Lavrov in an interview he gave to RT France, le Figaro and Paris Match. Asked about a planned disarmament of jihadist forces in Idlib governorate by Turkey and whether it would be an end to the war, which has lasted for over seven years, the Russian officials said solving the Idlib debacle would by no means end the crisis.


“This story will only end when the Syrian people are back in control of Syria and when everyone involved, especially those who came there uninvited, leave,” Lavrov said. He added Idlib is not the last problematic place in Syria.


“There are large territories east of Euprates [river] where absolutely unacceptable things happen. The United States is trying to create a quasi-state there with the help of their allies, mostly Kurds,” he said.


Lavrov said Washington helps creating administrative bodies in areas under its control, provides aid and even considers them good enough to encourage refugees to go back there. This is in sharp contrast to how it treats areas controlled by Damascus, he said.


“I cannot exclude that the US are trying to keep the situation heated up in the region to ensure that everyone is on the edge. It’s easier for them to catch fish in the water they muddy. Such policies never ended well,” Lavrov warned.


The minister also dismissed accusations that Russia engages in all sorts of bad activities, including cyberattacks, meddling in elections and other things. He said the way such accusations are published through the media imply that the accusers are not interested in resolving whatever concerns they have about Russia.


“If our Western colleagues actually expect to put us out of balance with this hysterics, they have not been reading the right history books. If this is all just fuss, this fit of political rabbis will pass naturally. Once they have vented off everything they need to, we will be waiting for them for a serious professional discussion within a legal field, not a propagandistic chat,” he said.


Lavrov also criticized US officials for encouraging the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople to push for a church schism in Ukraine, saying it was not normal for secular authorities to get involved in church affairs.

Anonymous ID: acd05f Oct. 12, 2018, 1:29 p.m. No.3454275   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4293 >>4324



The clowns who tried to head fuck you were way more skilled than the libtard low IQ retards we have now!