>Christ and the amanita muscaria
You'll encounter a lot of cognitive dissonance with that theory, but John Allegro, an English archaeologist who was selected to examine the Dead Sea Scrolls, wrote a book called The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross that argues exactly that.
Christ is just a solar myth. Watch the triggering ensue.
I mean, how is the amanita such a prevalent symbol although no one knows its significance? It's a deliriant and effective through "urinary drug recycling" (see trauma victims' accounts of drinking urine at ceremonies).
Then there's the symbolism of the liberty cap (also in the smurfs, freemasons, etc).
>muh Audrey Hepburn
Call this a chat or a slide if you will, but the recent rise in popularity of "Breakfast at Tiffany's" and the fact every female between 14 and 30 has her picture in their room is a bizarre insight into social control, advertising, or whatever.
And as someone who read Capote's book (not a huge fan) I'm offended by all those cunt poseurs.