Anonymous ID: ae0244 Oct. 12, 2018, 2:23 p.m. No.3454922   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4947


I like to tell all what I know from my experiences. I was mad a got for a time recently, because I had a poltergeist in my home. I'm the type that doesn't go to church, because the pastor cannot teach me anything. When you look at me, you might think I don't even know god. I know god so well, I know he can handle a relational fight with me. He's always got my back (in some very odd ways, I might add.)


But that poltergeist really pissed me off. Why? My kids, god! It wasn't very powerful andI got rid of it myself, but it was real work and a test of mind and soul.


These demons, shadow-beings and any other malevolent forms are ancient in creation. They never die. They bring with them the wisdom of the ages and the intelligence of the ages. We cannot fight them on our own. We cannot rely on anyone outside of us to help. Their help is only temporary. We must forge within ourselves the ability to spiritually conquer evil and guard our minds constantly. The level of deception of these pathetic shits knows no bounds. They'll do the right thing for a very long time to obtain their ends. Their power varies by entity and also by God's allowance of their being. If He wills it, they can destroy. You can't stop it in that case.


It's serious stuff, I learned and it truly is a constant battle. There is an inner lion that all of us have - religious or NO! It is the same one that within that we use when protecting children or have a righteous indignation for something, but without fear, without anger and without any other emotion. We just BECOME in order to conquer or stymie evil. That's what we tap into to fight in our lives and our communities.


Just mho

Anonymous ID: ae0244 Oct. 12, 2018, 2:31 p.m. No.3455017   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5059


>It knows better tho

hehe it reaching that point where it is terrified of us. So pathetic. So puny. We have the power, they don't. In the end before the energy all died out I would walk around a corner a little more brisk than normal and find a see a DVD fall off a shelf as it was startled. hehe


fist pump