Poll: Wendy Rogers Leads Arizona Democrat Incumbent by Nearly 7 Points
A poll released Friday shows Republican congressional candidate Wendy Rogers with a widening lead over Rep. Tom O’Halleran (D-AZ) in Arizona’s First Congressional District, indicating a potential Republican pickup in November.
The First District is massive, stretching south from the Phoenix exurbs and snaking east and north to encompass more than half of Arizona’s landmass and widely diverse constituents ranging from the country’s largest Indian reservations to the ski town of Flagstaff to the suburbs of Tucson. No independent polls have been published, and the O’Halleran campaign has not released any of its own surveys. The polling analysts at both Real Clear Politics and FiveThirtyEight rate the race as “leans Democrat” for this year, with the latter site finding it “likely Democrat” in some of its models.