What did Q mean by [The "Start"]?
Expanded thinking, no "_" _eQui_ed. I'll keep it short & general. Feel free to fill in the blanks.
>If you continue to proceed down this dangerous path only know that we are prepared.
[The "Start"] = The "Start of one Donald J. Trump's path to becoming a duly elected President of the United States of America.
I'm of the mind that the [X] year plan to destroy America (as part of the larger (((Globalist))) agenda, of course) was well known by Patriots prior to July 16th, 1999, likely long before (Think Eisenhower). At some point it would have become obvious that HRC "the chosen one" was being installed as President to deliver the final blows to America. In knowing their plan, a Patriot would be needed to run as a Presidential candidate against her (or whoever , one able to win legitimately, or all hell would break loose, literally. It higlhy possible that JFK Jr. was their original choice. Yet, the (((Globalists))) had other plans. Thus making Trump the next choice.
Year: 1999, JFK Jr. dies in a plane crash (7/10). Sept 25th, 1999, NYT runs: https://www.nytimes.com/1999/09/25/nyregion/president-why-not-says-a-man-at-the-top.html. rump is obviously VERY open to running for The Office. October 7, 1999, Trump announces on the Larry King Live show [CNN]. Runs via the reform party. Drops out. Still, 2000 is The "Start". The seed is planted. 17 years later, he's inaugurated, after running incidentally against…who else…HRC.
POTUS & JFK Jr. weren't exactly strangers to one another. He was likely aware of JFK Jr.'s political future. Could possibly have been read in as a trusted backup from day one. No wonder he's always 5 steps ahead. Those who've been helping him the entire time ]MI[ have always been 12 steps ahead. 5+12 = …
Again, just a theo_y, no _ _eQui_ed