I would be very interested in having a list of people who talked Trump into running for POTUS. He said at one rally that years prior, basketball coach Bobby Knight visited him and told him he should run, to save the country.
Kind of repetitive, no?
A pivotal moment in US history. No shit.
Seen, but not heard.
She has to testify in their case. Go Judicial Watch!
Just watch the psycho gulp air through her mouth and hold it, over and over and over again, prior to testifying. Obviously inducing a state of hypnosis to turn into that little girl voiced bitch that was so annoying women stopped voting D.
It's going to sink into the Left that they lost the courts. They can't win elections based on policy. They aren't what we want. They better make themselves back into something we can tolerate.
Yup. No statute of limitations on murder, and her hiring MS-13 thugs to murder Seth Rich, and then order other thugs to murder those two, are going to cost her everything.
Linda Sanchez
He got mine. I've never seen anything like it. He was completely at ease in the Oval Office in front of dozens of photographers and "journalists" and the POTUS, and just went off. Granted, some was sheer lunacy, but some was sheer genius.
And the sheer genius of abolishing the 13th Amendment, if it happens, has to be attributed to him. What an amazing idea. It will not bring back slavery, but it will stop prisons from being able to treat inmates like slaves. Holy shit.
These people think it's a job perk, and when they leave government service the exploit having it for fucking millions of consultation bucks.
Yeah, for us, that's awesome. For Fox, maybe not so much. Maybe Hannity is onto Q, but he may be the only one there.
Yes, they have. Start getting used to winning.
Idea for meme.
Collage of 9 dems at their craziest, and then "Chairmen of Ways & Means"??? or for Maxine, "Chairmen of the Finance Committee???" Crazy Pelosi "Speaker of the House???" and so forth
It's just too awesome.
He even got a laugh for that! "The family I married into, well, there's not really a lot of male energy there eitherโฆ"
The "and domestic" is about to become Yuge.
This is how history books will be written from now on.
The rise of the free unfettered educated black man in America is the best thing Trump has done to date.
These are just awesome.
Might be media dogs.
White hoodie dude is sketchy as fuck
Yeah, white guy in black hoodie is sketchy as fuck
Apparently people had to travel kind of far to fill up the place.
No, shit for brains, he's not. He's been stripped of all of his duties, and cannot even go into a FISA court. So fuck right off with your bullshit demoralization campaign.
Soโฆ.if the Saudis kill a foreignerโฆ.we need to, do, what again?
But it does jam her up if she's caught with anything confidential.