i like francis personally and publicy as an official of a religion
what if we had a huge fan in a room where the cia niggs could just throw themselves into it
notice the waterdowned themes the movie insists
it is really based on all the cruel weird necromancy and stalking the cia is up to still
think about all the great fuel economy if we all gather together and murder fagOTUS TwinkieOTUS for his cia treasonous ways as a cocaine trafficking child abducter tax dodger of the gestapi paperclip program
a big fat sack of chronic is waaaaaaaay more exciting than watching satan swine waller in their filth by a yuuuuuuuuge longshot
kali hindu demon
why are they still flagellating treasonous corpses for macabre bankers
this country sucks cause the cia helps politicians eat your children and smuggle cocaine
sauron thinks your cuntry is a shithole and (you) should too
psychopaths trading memes
crap from a shithole country