>>3454743 pb
About three breads back, someone had posted their interpretation of [KILL BOXES].
When you see multiple brackets [[[RR]]], Q is telling us there are other people that have to be gone through before the individual in the kill box.
You need to reread crumbs 1928 and 1929, and also look at crumb 1580.
The kill boxes are hinting at other people that Q can not name.
There are 6 Kill Boxes...all empty, Q later reveals two names in kill boxes: BO and NO (presumably Bruce Ohr and Nellie Ohr).
Those are two of the kill boxes...the outer shell.
There are 4 more kill boxes that BO and NO protect, and once BO and NO are taken out, it will reveal the other kill boxes that are encased within themselves like a Russian doll.