One of the most shocking realizations to be gained by a decent reading of the Hillary emails is how incapable and elderly she apparently is when it comes to communications.
She learned how to handle a Blackberry way back in about 1992, and that old woman's brain locked up after that. She's lost the mental acuity that would allow her to learn how to use another device.
I remember reading a long while back about how Hillary loves to have other people do things for her.
She is lazy, narcissistic, calculating, careless, is showing multiple and noticeable signs of aging poorly, and blatantly treasonous.
Even when she smiles now, you can tell her mental process is telling her that she should smile because that is what would be expected. There is not a shred of genuineness in her.
I know "Q" can't release everything they have, because America and a significant chunk of the rest of the world would lose its minds and riot. Civil disorder is not cool.
I don't see how we avoid long-term crap from the worst of the socialist extremists unless at least a meaningful amount of shock-treatment truth is dropped onto their heads. It'll be like telling your kids the dog died; it's bad, and they cry, but there's no avoiding it and they can't start getting over it until you tell them.