>>3457363 p
The good news is that gray areas are disappearing.
>>3457363 p
The good news is that gray areas are disappearing.
>>3457407 p
this anon has his shit together.
at this moment, at least.
Islam only flourishes where Christianity is oppressed.
Reminded me of this other weird habbening.
wow dude you're a believer aren't you.
you'll be part of the cabal in not time.
Hey, while you're at it, how about a list of contributions to culture by African Americans in the last 30 years.
Obscenity doesn't count.
I confess I thought momentarily of what numbers to "play" but dismissed the idea thinking it would be too difficult to buy a tick.
Then I mused on how much the pot a balloons once they publicize how big it is.
Then I thought about how big a global lottery might be.
Then I came down to earth when I remembered that the idea of a lottery is immoral and that it's also a monopoly owned by the state.
didn't think they did precast like that in the 1910's.
please STOP!