What is the power that HRC and BC hold over the Deep State that they would sacrifice their lives, integrity and careers for them?
>What is the power that HRC and BC hold over the Deep State that they would sacrifice their lives, integrity and careers for them?
Kim Clement hinted that it might be witchcraft. I dunno. But it is weird.
"At her request"
This caught my eye too. However it could be window dressing if you look at the rest of the letter begging for confidentiality.
I suggest it was a preemptive move on the part of her lawyers knowing she is under GJ investigation. Being under GJ investigation would make sense given this letter. However she has balls to still appear in public. The clintons do not have a shame gene in their bodies.
Mrs Clinton is in serious legal jeopardy.
If it ever comes to it, a No Name illness will be discovered no doubt.
Avenatti true to his roots. Skimming off the top.
Clinton Deep state lives on in the DEPT OF STATE.