>>3458500 (PB #4385 Jazz Intensifies)
>There is a chance the drug is made by the cabal as a fucking trick. The drug might actually alter your third eye enough you might actually see other dimensions and shit and see demons for real.
>They have really got up to some weird shit with drugs and technology.
Similar thoughts here.
i've wondered whether someone is experimenting with the dosages and chemical mixtures to see which ones are most effective at triggering the brain to become more 3rd eye sensitive.
Being spiritual and God believer helps tremendously, more so than drugs but certain types of drugs can strengthen and temporarily enhance your 3rd eye senses as well. Much to the brain and to its true inner workings we still do not know. I suspect.
Very dangerous territory to be walking here. People overdosing on unknown substances, especially if they are not Christians leave themselves spiritual open to demonic attacks and even partial or whole possessions of their body and mind by evil non-corporeal beings aka demons and other things.