>Since infancy, Mikey was abused and neglected. He was victimized while living with his mother and repeatedly subjected to criminal activity, trauma, and violence.
>Police reports, court documents, and medical records show that Mikey had been burned, beaten, thrown, and tied up so tightly he had rope burns.
>the Pediatric Center Resource Center for Child Abuse and Neglect (PRC) in Peoria, Illinois examined Mikey and documented multiple injuries incurred while under the care of his mother, including: severe bruising, blunt force trauma, human bite marks, black eyes, anal bleeding and tear, forehead bruising, rope burns, burned fingers, sores, misplaced hips, and excessive dental problems.
And here he is, being returned to his mother after the police raided her house and found an operating methlab with the boy present.
>0:41 he starts crying because he was told he was being sent back to his cunt mother
>1:33 "I don't want to stay at her house!"
Here is the judge that refuses to let the father have full custody of his son