Anonymous ID: 16f0ef Oct. 13, 2018, 9:02 a.m. No.3463640   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3650 >>3790



Friendly reminder:

Pretty big symbol.

Tunnels connecting 3 of them.

Caan tunnel connection tooKetron Island.

Branson connection to Ketron Island.

Deciem founder mentions Branson in IG rant.

White Rabbit NEVER connected to Playboy in Q notables.

Anonymous ID: 16f0ef Oct. 13, 2018, 9:06 a.m. No.3463671   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3702 >>3836



Q basically handed it to us on a silver platter by spelling out everything he was supposed to be doing (but hasn't done)

How do you navigate around installed BLOCKADE?

[MUELLER] designed to take-in evidence needed to ‘expose’ DS [DOJ block re: Mueller ‘evidence’ ongoing investigation].

[MUELLER] designed to limit POTUS’ ability to maneuver.

[MUELLER] designed to ‘stall-for-time’ until MIDTERM ELECTIONS to TERMINATE all HOUSE / SENATE ongoing investigations.

[MUELLER] designed to ‘safeguard’ D_PARTY_BASE false narrative re: RUSSIA COLLUSION [POTUS CHEATED – EVIL – SKY FALLING] in effort to DIVIDE and MOBILIZE for future protests, riots, threats, violence, FF’s, etc.

[MUELLER] designed to provide FAKE NEWS w/ ammunition to sway public opinion, obstruct foreign + domestic agenda, fuel impeachment/removal, fuel anti-POTUS [DIVISION] [prevent UNITY], etc..

[MUELLER] designed to demonstrate to foreign players that OLD GUARD still pulls strings.

[MUELLER] designed to mobilize D_PARTY for MIDTERM VOTE WIN.

[MUELLER] designed to push D_PARTY backers to DONATE [GOFUNDME – D_PARTY].

[MUELLER] designed as PUBLIC OUTCRY EXCUSE should criminal charges be brought against them [‘we are being ‘politically’ attacked because MUELLER…].

How do you REMOVE installed BLOCKADE?

Anonymous ID: 16f0ef Oct. 13, 2018, 9:23 a.m. No.3463790   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3828









Why do I get the feeling these worlds will collide?

Anonymous ID: 16f0ef Oct. 13, 2018, 9:32 a.m. No.3463876   🗄️.is 🔗kun



So Graham isn't helping?

Baker isn't helping?

Everyone who's testified for a lesser sentence isn't helping?

Your response to a request-for-sauce-with-sauce is "but check out this piece that disagrees with you"?

You're going to need back-up.

Anonymous ID: 16f0ef Oct. 13, 2018, 9:36 a.m. No.3463904   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4200


I can't argue with "doesn't sit right"


What I can argue with is anyone who attacks someone who does it right (Kappy not taking money or backing down and addressing all attacks) and was independently confirmed (Washington Pundit), if they do it wrong (take money, refuse to address criticism, delete and block sauced critics, etc.)

Anonymous ID: 16f0ef Oct. 13, 2018, 9:41 a.m. No.3463936   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Are you suggesting those refute my argument that Q's listing of what Mueller's purpose (to the deep state) is in fact haven't actually happened and that this supports one side of the "if Mueller's bad, Rosenstein must also be bad" equation?


Nice opinions, but this started with an arrogant resonse to another anon's claims, as if there was NO SAUCE WHATSOEVER to suggest Mueller could be Good, WHEN IT'S LITERALLY THE ONE ITEM Q HAS MADE IT A POINT TO LET US KNOW HOW CRITICAL THE ANSWER IS.

Anonymous ID: 16f0ef Oct. 13, 2018, 9:47 a.m. No.3463974   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Understand, I'm in no way supporting that Q isn't Q. I'm just saying that part of it is true, as to be expected considering it's intentionally played as a "wouldn't you like to know"

Anonymous ID: 16f0ef Oct. 13, 2018, 9:56 a.m. No.3464063   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4067

Really just trying to learn more about the world, and destroy critics with facts. Will someone help me without assuming I'm a shill? I know the narrative on Venezuela, but there's a counter-narrative out there claiming ships are off the Coast and a right-wing militia has basically caused a storm down there. They claim all food and goods are right across the border and Columbians will only take Venezuelan cash. Essentially, they're claiming Venezuela is being forced to fail for daring to buck the buck (dollar). I don't know enough to form a conclusion, but it is consistent with old US intervention ways.


Can someone help me feel better about this?

Anonymous ID: 16f0ef Oct. 13, 2018, 10:07 a.m. No.3464155   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You're just asking, and I'm just offering my perspective.

Even the bible, no matter how concrete the words are, can only be considered in the context of the INDIVIDUAL'S interpretation with respect to that individuals personal relationship with Christ.


The individual's relationship with Christ is what make's one a Christian, IMO, so I'm not even sure someone not involved in THAT relationship has the right to conclude anything at all about that relationship.


That means, I could read every page of the Bible or no page at all and still serve God, possibly in ways that others wouldn't dare.

Anonymous ID: 16f0ef Oct. 13, 2018, 10:10 a.m. No.3464187   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4204 >>4212


yes but my conclusions are what matter to me, and this board is the best way to reach conclusions, IMO.


Do you have input on Venezuela? Do you know anything about what's going on at the border?

Anonymous ID: 16f0ef Oct. 13, 2018, 10:14 a.m. No.3464213   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4222



I don't think they were trying to warn us any more than the B-artist/Jelly/ Eteam fucks were trying to warn us when they tagged the exact location of plane impact before 911, if I'm to be honest about it.